Fried Milk: A Special Dessert

Fried milk? Sounds strange at first. Did you know this is a dessert? In this article we introduce you to this very special, but super delicious recipe!

Fried milk: a special dessert

Fried milk ? Sounds strange at first. Did you know this is a dessert? In this article we introduce you to this very special, but super delicious recipe!

When you hear  fried milk , the first thing you probably think of is a nonsensical invention. However, this is a particularly tasty dessert.

The recipe comes from the north of Spain and is considered typical of the Iberian Peninsula. Once you know how exactly it is made and what it tastes like, you will surely want to try it for yourself.

You only need a few ingredients to prepare the sweet and delicious dessert. You can easily make deep-fried milk yourself  – without complicated instructions! In order for you to be able to prepare them at home, between 4 and 5 different things are necessary.

More about fried milk

Even if the recipe is very simple, there are a few things you should consider beforehand. It is not recommended for people who suffer from the following ailments:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • severe digestive problems
  • Celiac disease
  • Lactose intolerance

If none of these apply to you, you don’t have to pay attention to anything and can enjoy the dessert without worry.

Although it is high in calories, it also contains vitamins and minerals, so moderate servings are not a problem. So put on your kitchen apron and get started trying one of the best desserts Spanish cuisine has to offer!

How fried milk is prepared

How fried milk is prepared

A dessert that is fried?

This causes irritation for most people when you first hear the term. But to clear up this little mistake, you have to take a closer look at the method of preparation.

It is characteristic of deep-fried milk to form small rectangular pieces similar to pudding. These are then placed in a cold place to rest so that they solidify. Lastly, oil is used to deep-fry them.

If that still sounds strange to you, you will notice during the preparation at the latest that the process is anything but complicated.

Preparation steps

Preparation of deep-fried milk


  • 3 cups whole milk (750 ml)
  • 4 tbsp sugar (60 g)
  • 3 tbsp corn starch (45 g)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 lemon peel


  • First you should prepare the milk and sweeten it. So put a medium-sized saucepan on low with two cups of milk, the sugar, the cinnamon stick and the lemon zest.
  • Slowly stir the milk. As soon as it nears boiling point, turn off the stove.
  • Cover it with a lid and let it sit for another 15 minutes. This makes the taste sweeter and more concentrated.
  • Then strain the boiling milk and pour it into another, clean saucepan.
  • Now mix the prepared milk with a cup of cold milk and the cornstarch and then put it on the stove.
  • Keep stirring the mixture.
  • Don’t try to speed up the process by turning the stove on. Otherwise, the milk will thicken too quickly and stick to the bottom of the pot.
  • Keep stirring for 20 minutes, then turn off the stove and let the milk cool before pouring over the contents.
  • Leave them in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, and at best all night.
  • Then take them out, cut the thickened milk into small squares and deep-fry them in hot oil until golden brown.
  • Finally, sprinkle the pieces with sugar and cinnamon and rub the lemon zest over them.

As you can see, the preparation is very simple. Trying out new and country-specific recipes is always like a little journey through the culinary world of different cultures  and regions.

You too can discover a new country with this particularly original Spanish dessert!

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