8 Reasons Why You Might Feel Exhausted

Did you know that sitting for long periods of time and not moving is the main reason for fatigue? Physical activity helps us increase our stamina and promotes cardiovascular health

8 reasons you might feel exhausted

If you feel tired and exhausted, it may be due to physical strain. Illness or psychological stress can also be responsible for this condition.

However , if you are exhausted for no one of these reasons, then you should analyze your lifestyle and look for the cause.

It’s normal to be tired every now and then. It only becomes problematic if you are repeatedly exhausted and perhaps have other complaints to complain about.

Fatigue and exhaustion can become so dominant that it is difficult for us to carry out our everyday tasks and more and more we adopt an inactive routine.

To finally solve the problem, you have to find its source. Exhaustion is a symptom that has an underlying cause. So today we’re going to introduce you to eight possible reasons that can cause you to keep feeling exhausted.

1. You drink too little water


One hears it again and again from experts in the health care sector: “Dehydration is harmful to health and restricts the performance of the body in every respect.”

It is estimated that even 2% dehydration leads to significant performance degradation, which makes the body lack energy and which makes us feel weak and exhausted.

When our organism lacks water, the blood volume decreases. The blood becomes thicker, which puts a strain on the circulatory system.

The heart pumps less effectively; it is more expensive to transport oxygen and nutrients into the tissues. And it is in these tissues, in every single cell, that the cause of fatigue lies.

2. You have thyroid problems and are therefore exhausted

If you suffer from tiredness and exhaustion almost every day, then you should see a doctor with this condition . Among other things, he will check the functionality of your thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland lies in the front of the neck of the windpipe and has the important task of regulating the metabolism. To do this, it releases hormones that act on an incredible number of cells in the body.

If, for whatever reason, this release of hormones no longer works properly, it leads to a whole range of symptoms. The quality of life declines if hypothyroidism is not adequately treated.

3. You sit too long

watch TV

Some may think that physical activity only leads to further exhaustion, but they couldn’t be further from the truth with this assumption.

Sport gives you stamina and strength, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the performance of the entire body.

Regular exercise is essential for a healthy heart and an alert head, because it ensures that oxygen and nutrients arrive where they are needed.

4. You have anemia

Anemia, or anemia, is a lack of hemoglobin, the red pigment in the blood that carries oxygen to all of the cells in our body. Iron is needed to build hemoglobin, and when iron is lacking, too little hemoglobin is synthesized.

Less oxygen is brought to the tissues, which leads to tiredness and chronic fatigue.

5. You suffer from urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infections occur mainly in women and are usually announced by a frequent urge to urinate, burning sensation and pain when urinating.

If a urinary tract infection is not treated appropriately, the bacteria will remain in the urinary tract. They continue to multiply and the fight against the infection by our immune system saps our strength.

6. You don’t have breakfast

Our diet has a major impact on our health and well-being, and it is only thanks to the nutrients we supply our bodies with food that we can function.

When we go to bed in the evening, our body usually has a small supply of nutrients that it can use up during the night to maintain vital functions. The next morning, however, this “fuel” is used up.

That is why it is extremely important to have breakfast and in the morning to give the organism the energy it needs for an optimal start to the day.

If you skip breakfast, you run the risk of physical and mental exhaustion, which can no longer be compensated for by a small morning meal.

7. You eat fast food

Fast food

Fast food is full of sugar, other carbohydrates and saturated fats, the only effect of which is to put a strain on the body.

After eating fast food leads to a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, a physical exhaustion entails. We then have the feeling that we absolutely have to take a siesta.

A well-regulated blood sugar level is not only important to maintain performance. But also to prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus.

If you like hamburgers so much , then look around for a healthy alternative that is available, made from lentils and quinoa, for example.

8. You suffer from sleep apnea syndrome

Sleep apnea describes a sleep disorder in which breathing stops briefly during the resting phase.

When this apnea occurs, the sleep rhythm is interrupted, the person concerned does not find the necessary rest during sleep and complains of tiredness and irritability during the day.

If none of these reasons are the cause of your permanent exhaustion, but have persisted for more than six months, then you are likely suffering from chronic fatigue.

In such extreme cases, it is imperative to see a doctor in order to work with him to develop a suitable therapy plan.

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