8 Mistakes Made By Smokers That Ruin Their Health

Tobacco is poison for the body, even in small amounts!

8 fallacies of smokers that ruin their health

Everyone knows by now that smoking is unhealthy. Even if there are repeated warnings against it, many find it difficult to break this habit. Various  errors  still ruin the lives of many smokers.

The World Health Organization (WHO) affirms that  tobacco consumption is one of the most serious threats to general health. More than half of all smokers die from the diseases they cause. 

Even so, many justify their vices or believe in  errors that  cause confusion. The first signs of illness caused by smoking are also often ignored.

Therefore it is important to clear up these misconceptions and to get rid of  the bad smoking habit as soon as possible.

8 misconceptions that many smokers believe

1. Smoking is relaxing

Misconceptions about tobacco use and smoking

Many believe that smoking is stress-relieving and relaxing. Smokers also often believe that they experience more stress when they quit, which is one of the big misconceptions.

In truth, the toxins in tobacco have a negative effect  on  the nervous system and can even negatively affect character. 

You can feel a sense of relief for a short time, but in reality tobacco is anything but relaxing.

2. A couple of cigarettes won’t do any harm

Even a few cigarettes can have serious health consequences. Even in small quantities or in passive smokers, tobacco can cause serious diseases such as lung cancer.

Also  cardiovascular diseases can arise  regardless of how many cigarettes you smoke daily.

3. Tobacco does not harm a healthy organism

Cigarettes - Misconceptions About Tobacco Use

Many smokers still think that tobacco cannot harm them as long as they have healthy lifestyle habits, that is, good nutrition, exercise …

Even if you are currently enjoying good health,  tobacco is harmful despite healthy living habits and leads to disease! 

4.  Light cigarettes  are less harmful to the body

The popular light cigarettes contain less nicotine and tar, but that does not mean that they are free of toxins.

Tobacco is an enemy of health, which is also negatively affected by light cigarettes.

5. Exercise reduces the damage from tobacco

Sport helps

Exercise helps you sweat out toxins that  get into the blood through tobacco consumption and are difficult to remove from oranges. 

These toxins accumulate in the tissues of your body and reduce your performance. You will get tired much faster as a result.

6. It is impossible to quit smoking

That is one of the biggest mistakes. Although addiction makes it very difficult for many, it is not impossible to quit smoking.

There may be nervousness and restlessness, especially at the beginning, but as soon as the withdrawal symptoms are over, you are almost there.

There are many tools that can help you get rid of tobacco. However, motivation and perseverance are essential to achieve your goal.

7. It’s already too late … why quit smoking anyway?

The smoker's lung is one of the misconceptions about tobacco use

It’s never too late to end this vice. Even after many years, your body can benefit from it. You will  feel many positive changes when you quit smoking:

  • better blood circulation,
  • better heart function,
  • lower blood pressure,
  • better complexion,
  • more well-being and
  • less risk of cancer or lung disease.

8. We must all die

The fact that we all have to die is our fate, but in this case just an excuse to justify tobacco consumption.

Are you ready to endure the dire consequences of chronic illness? Chances are, you are not yet experiencing the serious symptoms that tobacco can cause. The sooner you stop doing it, the more suffering you can save yourself.

You smoke? Think about these 8 fallacies and get help to stop them and maintain your quality of life.

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