8 Ideas For Healthy Vitamin Water

You can enjoy vitamin water or flavored water at any time and prepare it with a wide variety of flavors.

8 ideas for healthy vitamin water

Water is the best drink for the organism. But some don’t like the taste or find it boring. Have you heard of vitamin water ?

Today we are going to introduce you to various healthy alternatives so that you can happily forego carbonated and sugared soft drinks. Homemade vitamin water tastes great

You can enjoy vitamin water or flavored water at any time and prepare it with a wide variety of flavors. At the same time, you benefit from healthy vitamins from fruits or herbs. 

The drinks also contain no colorings, preservatives or other unhealthy additives.

Green tea, mint and lime

This vitamin water is perfect for stimulating fat burning,  improving digestion, relieving headaches, relieving colds and also freshening the breath.

Drink this drink cold, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach and then several glasses throughout the day.

Strawberry and mint

Strawberry juice

This vitamin water not only tastes delicious, it also strengthens the immune system, promotes digestion and also helps regulate blood sugar levels. 

Cucumber, lime and lemon

This drink is ideal for hot days, it is refreshing and at the same time you benefit from the benefits of citrus fruits and cucumber.

This strengthens the immune system, stimulates digestion and, moreover, curbs the appetite. This vitamin water is also highly recommended for weight loss diets.

Lemon, lime and orange

orange juice

This delicious vitamin water contains many nutrients that improve the immune system and protect against bacteria and fungi.

This is how you can prevent flu  and colds. This drink is also recommended for heartburn. The best thing to do is to drink this drink at room temperature.

Pineapple and sage

A flavored water that not only tastes delicious but also has a detoxifying effect. It promotes the elimination of harmful substances and thus also protects against diseases. This combination tastes particularly good on hot days.

Lemon, grapefruit and mint

Lemon mint water

Citrus fruits taste excellent in combination with peppermint. You can drink more than a liter of it a day and thus strengthen your immune system and also remove harmful substances. You will feel good all around afterwards.

Honey and watermelon

Honey and watermelon contain a lot of water and taste wonderful. The vitamins it contains are very beneficial to health.

This drink helps to drain fluid deposits and to optimally supply the skin with moisture. This is why this vitamin water is particularly recommended for dry skin.

Blackberries, lemon and mint


This vitamin water has a strong antioxidant effect, prevents chronic diseases and also promotes cell renewal.

Drinking this water every day provides you with optimal moisture. It supports the detoxification of your body and also prevents premature aging.

How do you prepare vitamin water?

It’s very easy, you can try new combinations every day and you’ll be amazed. Drinking water is really fun!

  • Choose the fruits or herbs you want and then wash them well.
  • Then the fruit is diced or cut into slices and placed in a water jug ​​with the herbs.
  • Let the water steep in the refrigerator for five to six hours until it takes on the color, taste, and aroma of the fruit.
  • Then you can enjoy your vitamin water and benefit from its wonderful properties.

How much fruit and herbs you use depends on the desired intensity of taste, color, and aroma. You can use one or two servings to start with. If you wish, you can sweeten the vitamin water with a little honey.

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