8 Carcinogenic Foods

Did you know that commercial soft drinks can promote cancer? Both normal and

8 carcinogenic foods

Various studies indicate that diet and food have a major impact on our well-being and can also cause many diseases.

It has also been shown that an unhealthy diet, rich in chemicals, promotes cancer development. We therefore recommend that you read this article about carcinogenic foods.

Various foods that we eat every day increase the risk of developing cancer.

Carcinogenic foods

  • Transgenic foods. Genetically modified organisms (GMO) provoke many diseases, including cancer. The chemicals used in cultivation are carcinogenic. The problem with this is that genetically modified products are an integral part of many foods (for example, most products made with soy, corn or canola). That is why certified, organic foods are recommended that are grown and processed without the use of biotechnology.

    trans fats
    • Processed meat. All processed meat products, such as sausages, contain chemical preservatives to make them look fresh and attractive. However, these are carcinogenic. Nitrite and sodium nitrate are associated with a significantly increased risk of cancer, especially colon cancer. If you want to eat meat or sausage products, you should choose organic products that do not contain nitrates and come from animals that have not been fed corn.
    • Microwave popcorn. Popcorn can be easily prepared in the microwave, it is ready in two minutes and tastes delicious with a good movie. However, the combination of the ingredients with the microwave radiation can result in cancer and infertility. Microwave popcorn also contain diacetyl, an active ingredient that gives the artificial butter its characteristic taste. However, this is said to be associated with serious lung diseases. Popcorns also contain genetically modified ingredients. If you love popcorn, we recommend that you buy organic corn kernels and prepare the snack in the covered pan with a little oil as before. This is also very quick and tastes even better!

      Other carcinogenic foods

      • Soft drinks and “ligth” drinks. Soft drinks can promote cancer. These not only contain large amounts of sugar (not “light” drinks), but also many chemicals such as colorings and other additives. They over-acidify the organism and “nourish” cancer cells. Low-calorie “light” drinks are even more dangerous because they contain aspartame, an artificial sweetener that can cause various diseases, including cancer. Other sweeteners like sucralose (Splenda) and saccharin have been linked to other illnesses. So always drink natural or freshly squeezed juices. The best of all is still water!

      healthy drinks
      • Refined flour. White flour is used for numerous processed products. The high carbohydrate content is worrying. Regular consumption has been linked to a 220% increased risk of breast cancer. Because white flour has a high glycemic index, it causes blood sugar levels to rise quickly, which in turn encourages cancer cell growth. It is best to switch to whole grains and use it to prepare your own food.
      • Refined sugar. White sugar can also have serious consequences. The insulin level rises and so does the risk of cancer cells. Foods that are high in fructose (for example corn syrup, which is contained in many finished products) are harmful to the organism. Cookies, cakes, drinks, sauces, etc. contain fructose. This explains why there are more and more cancer cases worldwide. Natural sweeteners such as organic honey are best.

        A few more carcinogenic foods

        • Hydrogenated oils. These are used to preserve processed foods to keep them stable. However, they change the structure and flexibility of the cell membrane in the organism. The consequences can be debilitating diseases such as cancer. Trans fats are found in many foods that are consumed on a daily basis. Many growers have already replaced them with safer alternatives such as palm oil, but much remains to be done in this area. Our recommendation is not to consume products with trans fats.
        • Industrially produced fruits and vegetables. How can it be that such healthy fruits and vegetables are carcinogenic? The problem is not the fruits themselves, but the chemicals that are used in cultivation and post-treatment. 98% of fruits and vegetables contain harmful pesticides that are carcinogenic. First are apples, then grapes, strawberries, coriander and potatoes. Pesticides that are used in the field to kill pests and against diseases make you sick! An excess of pesticides can also cause health problems for babies while they are still in the womb. For all of these reasons, we recommend certified, organic fruits and vegetables that are pesticide-free. Regional and seasonal products are best.


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