7 Tips Against Iron Deficiency Anemia Without Food Supplements

Vitamin D plays an important role in the iron balance, so you should soak up the sun every day so that vitamin D can be formed! 

7 tips against iron deficiency anemia without supplements

Iron deficiency is one of the most common causes of anemia, and it is particularly common in young women. But what can you do about iron deficiency anemia  without taking  dietary supplements with iron? In today’s post you will find various useful tips.

The most common symptoms of  iron deficiency anemia  include:

  • fatigue
  • brittle hair and nails
  • pale skin
  • in some cases listlessness

Then, discover what you can do to prevent or treat iron deficiency anemia.

What is iron deficiency anemia?

Around 30% of the world’s population suffer from iron deficiency anemia. Very often it is caused by heavy menstrual bleeding in young women, but other causes of blood loss, an unbalanced diet or impaired nutrient absorption can also lead to it.

It can be a short-term problem because the body needs an increased supply of iron at certain stages of life, for example during puberty, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

This type of anemia is usually treated with iron, but the corresponding dietary supplements can cause unpleasant side effects such as  gastritis, stomach problems or constipation. In addition, it leads to oxidation of the organism.

If the cause is impaired iron absorption, dietary supplements will not help.

Get advice from your doctor!

Then you will find additional tips that can be very helpful.

1. Water therapy for iron deficiency anemia

Water therapy for iron deficiency anemia

Water therapy using the Kneipp method with alternating baths is very useful for various ailments. You can also get good results with it if you have iron deficiency anemia.

The alternating baths stimulate blood circulation and as a result more red blood cells are formed. Those affected usually do not tolerate cold water well, but you can start slowly with the arms and legs.

  • Alternately shower your arms and feet with cold and warm water.
  • Shower your chest and back alternately with cold and warm water.

2. Schüsslersalz for a disturbed iron absorption

If the cause is a poor absorption of iron in the intestines, the point is not to take more iron, but to improve the absorption.

You can achieve this, for example, with the following homeopathic remedy:

  • Ferrum phosphoricum  D6 (Schüssler salt): This product does not contain iron and has no side effects.

You need to take this natural remedy for at least a month.

3. Salad every day!

Salad for iron deficiency anemia

Many think that if you have anemia you need to consume more red meat,  but larger amounts of this have negative effects on the liver and kidneys. Better to eat a healthy salad every day!

The following ingredients are particularly recommended:

  • Various leaf salads (rocket, cress …)
  • Beetroot
  • Carrots
  • paprika
  • Cabbage
  • tomato
  • cucumber
  • Sprouts
  • Dried fruits and seeds

4. A squeeze of lemon!

Iron is absorbed much better in combination with lemon or ascorbic acid. You can take a vitamin C supplement, but we recommend spicing it with lemon or adding other vitamin C-rich foods to your diet.

These include the following types of fruit and vegetables:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Red berries
  • Acerola
  • paprika
  • papaya
  • kiwi
  • Guava
  • rose hip
  • parsley

5. Be careful with dairy products

Beware of dairy products in iron deficiency anemia

Milk and dairy products have the opposite effect: They inhibit the absorption of iron. Dairy products neutralize stomach acids, preventing the proper absorption of iron. 

Therefore, if you suffer from anemia, you should limit your consumption of dairy products or not eat them in combination with foods rich in iron.

6. Regulation of the menstrual cycle

If the iron deficiency is caused by heavy menstruation, you should also try  to regulate the menstrual cycle with certain natural remedies. 

Various shark herbs can help you with this:

  • Nettle
  • gentian
  • Chaste tree
  • Field horsetail

7. Soak up the sun

A simple, inexpensive and very pleasant home remedy is the sun! It has been shown that vitamin D plays a major role in regulating the iron balance. Since sunbathing produces vitamin D, it can also be used to treat iron deficiency anemia.

However, be careful when sunbathing because, as you know, the radiation is dangerous for your skin. 10 minutes are sufficient to stimulate the formation of vitamin D. Avoid lunchtime when the radiation is particularly intense.

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