7 Indications Of A Thyroid Disorder

Although these symptoms often indicate other ailments, it is important to be aware of them, as the body could also indicate that something is wrong with the thyroid is.

7 indications of a thyroid disorder

The thyroid is located in the front part of the neck under the larynx and is shaped like a small butterfly. Even if this organ is very small, it performs important functions that  are of great importance for health. It is therefore essential to recognize a  thyroid disorder  as quickly as possible.

It is amazing what influence the small thyroid gland has on the body. When it produces too much or too little hormones, it leads to various signs that suggest a thyroid disorder . Then learn more about this topic.

Signs of a thyroid disorder

1. Uncomfortable feeling in the throat

Examination of a thyroid disorder

As already mentioned,  this organ is located in the throat, which is  why you often feel the following symptoms when you have complaints:

  • Sore throat and uncomfortable feeling in this area
  • Continuous pain and swelling in the neck area
  • Voice changes

If these signs occur regularly, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. While pain relievers can temporarily relieve symptoms, if you have a thyroid disorder, they will only make the problem worse.

2. Difficulty concentrating

The brain can become less efficient with increasing age, but if difficulties suddenly arise, if you have difficulty concentrating and you forget simple things in everyday life, you should be on your guard.

Many women associate these problems with menopause or other ailments. However, hormonal changes in the thyroid can also make it difficult to concentrate. 

When patients with hypothyroidism receive the appropriate treatment, they are usually amazed at how quickly normal memory is automatically restored. First of all, it is important to see a doctor who can make a diagnosis, self-diagnosis is out of place.

Even those women who are at the onset of menopause should not attribute all of their problems to it, but should be examined to gain clarity.

3. Hair loss and dry skin

Hair loss

Hair loss is normal, especially in winter or spring. However, if more hair is falling out than usual, or if this happens for a long time, it could be an indication of a thyroid disorder.

The skin also provides important information:  If the skin is very dry, or if it itches, this is often the result of a slowed metabolism, which means that you sweat less. One of the possible causes for this is an altered hormone production in the thyroid gland.

This symptom can be accompanied by hair loss or impaired hair growth.

4. Weight changes

Sudden weight change for no apparent reason,  when diet or exercise has not changed, is cause for concern. It is one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism.

If the thyroid gland works too slowly, the food tastes different because the senses are also impaired (not only the sense of taste, but also the tact and the sense of smell).

5. Constant fatigue

Fatigue and increased need for sleep can also indicate a thyroid disorder. When the body’s functions slow down due to decreased hormone production,  one feels constant fatigue.

In addition, muscle pain and cramps can occur for no reason.

If too few thyroid hormones are produced, it can lead to a change in the nerves that send signals to the brain for the rest of the body. This can cause cramps and twitches in various parts of the body.

However, one must take into account that these two symptoms are also common in diabetics if they do not take care of themselves accordingly. You should definitely discuss these symptoms with your doctor.

6. Mood swings and pressure on the stomach

Abdominal pain and thyroid disorder

Excessive production of thyroid hormones can make you irritable, anxious, and nervous. It can also lead to  constant sadness or depression as the serotonin levels in the brain are impaired. 

But that’s not all. When a thyroid disorder is present, indigestion and pressure on the abdomen can also occur, which cannot be relieved by a balanced diet and exercise.

7. Palpitations, high blood pressure and other symptoms

Palpitations, often felt down the throat, can also be a symptom of a thyroid disorder. This is often accompanied by high blood pressure, which also increases the level of bad cholesterol.

Thyroid problems make treatment difficult, so exercising and eating healthy will not be enough.

Listen to thyroid alarms

As you can see, a dysfunctional thyroid can cause a variety of problems: physical changes (rapid weight gain or loss) or more serious symptoms. If the symptoms are ignored, the condition worsens.

Thyroid disorders are very common from the age of 35, and most affect women.

It is estimated that 300 million people worldwide have hypothyroidism,  but with the right treatment, you can lead a normal life. 

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