7 Drinks High In Iodine

If you don’t like to eat fish or seafood, check out these high iodine drinks. Because they help you to supply yourself with this nutrient in a natural and delicious way.

7 drinks high in iodine

Drinks that are high in iodine can be a good addition to the diet  of patients with thyroid problems if the doctor allows it.

These are natural drinks that you can enjoy with a meal or snack at any time. We’ll tell you more about them below so you can incorporate them into your diet.

Iodine, a mineral essential for health

Iodine  is an essential micromineral as it is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. This means that it contributes to the regulation of the entire organism. It also plays a key role in growth, cell function, neural processes, and even mental agility.

According to the World Health Organization, iodine deficiency is a major cause of mental development problems in children. Hence, it is important that it is present in the diet from a young age.

In order to get iodine, it is necessary to consume certain foods regularly as part of a balanced diet. Some of the most famous sources of iodine are fish and shellfish, although this nutrient is also found in foods such as iodized salt, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and some varieties of seaweed and seaweed.

Iodine - food

Drinks that contain a lot of iodine

Here are some natural, delicious, and easy ways to consume iodine: in the form of homemade beverages!

1. Cow’s milk

Drinking cow’s milk can help you get the necessary amount of iodine for your thyroid to function properly.

E ine cup of cow’s milk may contain about 55 micrograms of iodine. It is important to clarify that these values ​​do not vary when choosing low-fat milks.

2. Blackberry juice also contains iodine!

Blackberries are delicious berries, and they have nutritional and mineral content similar to strawberries. If you don’t like strawberries, consider blackberry juice instead.

A glass of blackberry juice can contain around 20 micrograms of iodine. 

3. Strawberry smoothie

One cup of strawberries can contain around 13 micrograms of iodine, as strawberries are the fruit with the highest iodine content. 


  • Ice cubes
  • ½ cup strawberries (85 g)
  • 1 glass of oatmeal drink (250 ml)


  • Cut the strawberries into small pieces.
  • Beat all ingredients until smooth.
  • Serve, add a few ice cubes and drink in moderation.


Iodine strawberry shake

4. Blueberry smoothie

The blueberries are another berry that contains a significant amount of iodine in its composition. It is estimated that  150 milliliters of blueberry juice can contain around 400 micrograms of iodine.


  • Ice cubes (to taste)
  • Fresh spinach (30 g)
  • 1 glass of coconut milk (250 ml)
  • 1 cup of blueberry juice (250 ml)


  • Mix all of the ingredients together until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Drink in moderation.

5. Yogurt with strawberries also contain a lot of iodine

Eating yogurt with strawberries or blueberries is also a great way to get iodine,  as one cup of liquid yogurt can contain around 90 micrograms of iodine.


  • 1 liter of liquid natural yogurt
  • 2 cups of strawberries or fresh blueberries (340 g)


  • First, take a cup of fruit and cut it into small cubes.
  • Put the second cup in the blender with the liquid yogurt.
  • Mix well until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Transfer the mixture to a plastic or glass container with a lid.
  • Add the chopped fruit and stir.

6. Mango juice

Mango juice is another drink that is high in iodine. You can enjoy it anytime. D more detail you should not hesitate to take advantage of it!


  • 1 ice cube
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 cup of diced mango (165 g)


  • Mix all ingredients.
  • Serve and drink with a few ice cubes.
  • To get a thick consistency, use a good amount of pulp and not too much water. 


    Iodine - mango

    7. Creamy green smoothie with lots of iodine

    A creamy green smoothie is another alternative to supplying you with iodine. It consists of three ingredients that are not only nutritious but also delicious.


    • ½ medium avocado
    • ½ cup of seaweed (20 g)
    • 1 green apple in pieces
    • 1 glass of coconut water (250 ml)


    • Remove the core of the apple, dice the apple (without removing the skin), and place it in a bowl of water while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.
    • Chop the seaweed as finely as possible (to avoid getting caught in the blender).
    • Remove the pulp from the avocado and add it to the blender along with the remaining ingredients.
    • Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If you like the texture, you can serve and drink the smoothie.

    Natural drinks are healthy food supplements for a balanced diet

    Drinks rich in iodine are the perfect addition to a healthy diet. However, you should never consume them as a substitute for main meals, otherwise you run the risk of not being adequately supplied with all the necessary nutrients.

    As with other similar homemade preparations, it is advisable to avoid adding sugar, stevia, and other sweeteners  as the ideal is to enjoy the taste of food naturally. If you still want to sweeten the drinks, it is best if you do this very moderately.

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