6 Tips For Better Nerves

Sunlight not only provides valuable vitamin D, which is important for calcium absorption in the bones, it also regulates the nervous system.

6 tips for better nerves

The nervous system is one of the most important and complex systems in our organism. It ensures that we react to internal and external stimuli (through our senses) and respond to them with different physical reactions. Here we give you tips for  better nerves.

The nervous system controls the most important vital functions (breathing, heartbeat, hunger, thirst, posture) as well as our emotions (joy, sadness), so strong nerves are important for a good quality of life. How do you get  better nerves .

Three very beneficial foods

There are foods that have a positive effect on our nervous system:

  • Brewer’s yeast: Thanks to the many vitamins from the B group, brewer’s yeast strengthens the nervous system and can thus eliminate depression, nervousness, stress, apathy and a lack of appetite. We can take brewer’s yeast as a powder with juice and yoghurt, or in tablet form if you don’t like the slightly bitter taste.
  • Oatmeal for better nerves: This delicious grain has a balancing effect on the nervous system, soothes and reduces nervousness and insomnia, even in children. They also promote cognitive development. Interestingly, the grain calms the nerves, although at the same time it provides energy. We can eat it cooked, sweet, savory, with milk and cinnamon or in vegetable cream soups. Oat milk also tastes good.

  • Pollen is a so-called superfood. It balances the pH of the blood and also supports the functioning of the nervous system thanks to the vitamin B it contains. Take a teaspoon of pollen with a little water, juice, or yogurt every morning.

    Magnesium for better nerves

    Nervous system disorders such as insomnia, nervousness, hyperactivity, restlessness, and panic attacks can also be a symptom of magnesium deficiency.

    In these cases, it is recommended that you eat more of the foods listed here, daily:

    • Cocoa: The pure black chocolate contains almost 500 mg of magnesium per 100 g
    • Dark green leafy vegetables: kale, lettuce, spinach
    • Fruits: bananas, apricots, avocado, peach, plum
    • Nuts: almonds, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts
    • Legumes: peas, lentils
    • Seeds
    • Grains: brown rice, millet, oats
    • pumpkin


    You can also take a magnesium supplement. In this case, take a total of about 3 g per day, preferably in tablet form and then spread over the day so that the body can absorb the mineral well. The correct dose is therefore 1 g per main meal.

    Medicinal plants

    The following plants have a calming effect and stimulate the nervous system. You can take these as an infusion or as an extract, or use the corresponding essential oils as a room fragrance and to pamper your skin:

    • Lemon balm
    • Ginkgo biloba
    • Hypericum (St. John’s Wort)
    • basil
    • lavender
    • Passion flower

    Sunlight for better nerves

    Sunlight is a wonderful regulator of the nervous system and quickly supplies us with vitamin D. To be able to benefit from these advantages, you should let the sun act on you for ten to fifteen minutes a day, preferably at sunrise or sunset.

    Walking barefoot in nature

    It is very healthy for the nervous system if we walk barefoot on wet earth, on grass with dew, on a sandy beach, in a river or by the sea, for at least half an hour a day.

    This method naturally stimulates our nervous system. It also helps to minimize the electromagnetic exposure caused by the use of electronic devices. Give it a try, you will feel comfortable with it on the first day.

    Water therapy

    Water of different temperatures helps us to bring our nervous system into harmony. We can try different water therapies:

    • Cold, damp rubs:  Use a well-wrung towel that must not be too dry for this. Then rub in the direction of the hand – upper arm, foot – groin, upper body. Do the rubbing quickly and then dress warmly so that the heat persists.
    • Alternating baths for the arms: alternately place the arms in hot and then in cold water. The last bath should be cold. In total, the alternating baths should then be carried out for about 30 seconds.
    • In general, it is always advisable to finish the shower with cold water. We leave out the head.
    • Baths with magnesium sulphate (approx. 100 g per bath) can then be very relaxing and revitalizing.

    Images courtesy of   MGF / Lady Disdain y John Loo

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