6 Signs Of Thyroid Problems

Thyroid problems are more common in women than men. It often happens from adulthood. Here you can find out what the possible signs are and also how you can recognize them.

6 signs of thyroid problems

It’s not easy to tell if you have thyroid problems. Because there are two different types: on the one hand hypothyroidism, i.e. an underactive thyroid, and on the other hand hyperthyroidism, i.e. an overactive thyroid.

The thyroid is a gland whose main function is to regulate a person’s metabolism. In addition, it has an impact on numerous body functions. Because it releases hormones that regulate heart rate, appetite and the speed of food digestion, for example.

Therefore, thyroid problems can have a profound effect on a person’s health. Thyroid disorders are more common in women than in men. In many cases, it happens from adulthood onwards.

There are some signs that you can use as a guide to possible thyroid disease. But if you are unsure yourself whether you have thyroid problems, you should definitely consult a doctor. Because only he can carry out the appropriate tests and make a clear diagnosis.

This is how you can tell if you might have thyroid problems

1. Sudden weight gain or loss

The thyroid controls the speed at which your metabolism unwinds. That means: the way your body works to get energy from the food you ingest. It does this through the release of hormones.

One of the signs of underactive thyroid is excessive weight gain. Because not enough hormones are produced for a normal metabolism. And the opposite is the case with overactive: there is an excessively high hormone production. This leads to sudden weight loss.

2. Fatigue and mood swings

Tired woman at the computer

Thyroid problems can affect both your mood and your energy levels. With an underactive thyroid, this leads to fatigue. Then those affected have a strong urge to sleep. Even after getting enough sleep, they may still feel down.

If the thyroid is overactive, on the other hand, those affected suffer from irritability. They also tend to feel stressed out. They also have difficulty falling asleep.

3. Swelling in the neck area indicating thyroid problems

One of the most obvious symptoms of thyroid disease is swelling in the neck area. This can be due to the fact that the thyroid gland is enlarged. And that in turn can lead to discomfort in the throat area.

This also includes pain or even dysphonia, i.e. voice disorders. If you experience these signs, it is important to consult a doctor. Because under certain circumstances the cause can be a serious illness.

4. Changes in heart rate

Female doctor holds a plastic heart in her hand

The thyroid doesn’t just regulate the rate at which calories are burned in our bodies. As already mentioned, it also controls the heartbeat. Thus, thyroid problems not only affect various organs in the body, but also have a profound effect on the heart.

Then the heart rate changes depending on the type of illness. So if there is a hypofunction, the heartbeat can slow down. In the case of hyperfunction, the heartbeat accelerates up to a racing heart, i.e. tachycardia.

5. Thyroid problems can also lead to constipation

In the case of an underactive thyroid, as already mentioned above, the release of hormones is reduced. As a result, the body’s organ functions tend to be slower and this also affects the digestive system, for example.

It’s not working the way it’s supposed to. The digestive process is impaired and this leads to problems with bowel movements. Likewise, a poorer absorption of nutrients from food is the result.

6. Other possible complaints

Thyroid Problems: Dry skin

Other visible signs that you may have thyroid problems include: dry and rough skin or brittle and cracked nails. Sudden hair loss can also be a consequence.

There are also less visible symptoms. These can be, for example, menstrual disorders in women, an excessive feeling of cold in various parts of the body and pain and discomfort in muscles and joints.

As always: prevention is better than cure

The above signs could indicate a thyroid disorder. But of course it is always advisable to consult a doctor. This is the only way to get an accurate diagnosis of the possible problem.

You should by no means leave it to self-diagnosis. Because this may just make you nervous for no reason, or you lull yourself into a false sense of security. You should clarify yourself. Because thyroid disease always requires medical treatment.

You should also arrange preventive check-ups. It is recommended that women in particular have a hormone test and a thyroid test carried out by a doctor every 4 years.

Because in this way you can identify possible irregularities early on. A medical examination is essential for women trying to get pregnant. This is because thyroid problems can also be a cause of infertility as well as problems with conception.

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