6 Love Films That Move To Tears

Love films hit our emotions and can move us to tears. Ideal for a girls evening on the sofa or a movie night with your loved one.

6 love films that will move you to tears

Love movies keep some men for cheesy, so you’ll be more likely to take your best friend to the movies, if such a film is shown. But it is also nice to watch love films with your partner when they hold you in their arms while your tears flow …

Love films move us to tears

When we watch romance films, we are often overwhelmed by emotions, we identify with the characters and howl like castle dogs, tremble with them, are happy and mourn as if we were in the situation in the film.

Love films are therefore ideal for switching off, for relieving stress, for forgetting the hectic everyday life. We dive into the film and let our feelings run free. And if we watch love films with our better half or best friend , we don’t have to be ashamed of our tears.

We have put together a small selection of six love films with which you can experience heartbreak and emotions for a weekend in crap weather or just one night at a pajama party.

Some films are classics, others may be new to you:

Watch love movies

Forget Me Not!

The film was made in 2004 and could be a classic, but it is little known to us. The action takes place on several levels, in which the viewer first experiences the romance and later the relationship of a couple on one level.

On a second level , both partners undergo a procedure after the separation that erases all memories of the other.

The viewer realizes how important memories are and how valuable they are for us and our life experience. You learn that negative memories can also be positive and that everything you experience makes you who you are.

Erasing the past dream woman from memory is not entirely successful …

Like a single day

This film, also from 2004, takes place in a nursing home where an old man reads a chapter of a love story to an old woman every day. The woman has Alzheimer’s disease and no longer knows who this man is who visits her every day to read the love story.

As the film progresses, it becomes clear that the two are a couple who wrote their own love story together when the woman was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

In this respect, this film is also about the loss of memories. Sometimes the most precious thing we have left …

the best love movies: Titanic


One of THE classics among love films. Who hasn’t sobbed when “Rose” (Kate Winslet) mourns for her “Jack” (Leonardo di Caprio)? Who hasn’t had a tiny piece of heart broken while watching when “Rose” lets the “Heart of the Ocean” necklace slide into the sea?

PS I Love You

This romance film, which was released in 2007, is also almost a classic: a pair of lovers are separated by death, a malignant brain tumor ends the short but intense happiness of the two.

But in order to make it easier for her to survive after his death, he had written 12 letters to her before his death, which should ensure that she continues and lives her life. In the letters he also gives her a task that she should solve within a certain time …

Popcorns and love movies

Ghost message from Sam

Actually a pretty old film from 2000, but still one of the love films that you can watch over and over and tears flow every time … In this film, too, a pair of lovers is separated by death, here by murder.

As a ghost, the beloved perceives the danger for his bereaved and tries to contact them through a medium in order to warn them. He also has a job to do that she should finish for him.

Enjoy love films alone or in company!

No matter which of these love films you are going to watch: have enough tissues ready and prepare popcorn beforehand. Have the drinks ready and let the film take you and your emotions into other worlds …

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