5 Symptoms Of Primary Bone Cancer You Should Know

Primary bone cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in isolation in the bone.

5 symptoms of primary bone cancer you should know about

The earlier any type of cancer is detected, the greater the chance of a cure. Therefore, it is always useful to know the symptoms of specific types of cancer, such as bone cancer.

If you have any suspicions, you can consult the doctor for further clarification. Today we’re going to tell you about five common symptoms of bone cancer .

What is bone cancer?

There are two basic types of bone cancer. Primary bone cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in isolation in the bone. Secondary bone cancer means that metastases of another type of cancer have formed in the bone and are now growing further in the bone.

In today’s post we look at the symptoms of primary bone cancer. Such bone cancer usually affects the long bones.

Statistically, it occurs most frequently above the knee joint on the femur and on the upper end of the humerus.

Of course, bone cancer can occur in other places as well. Primary bone cancer is rare in Germany and occurs more frequently in men than in women. The causes of bone cancer are still in the dark. The following symptoms occur:

Broken bones

In addition, affected bones break much earlier than healthy bones when exposed to stress, and often a comparatively small application of force is enough to break the bone.

The tumor destroys healthy bone tissue, making the bone unstable and fragile. An otherwise very stable thigh bone can break without the affected person falling.

tired legs


If primary bone cancer is present, it usually manifests itself with inexplicable pain. The affected bone hurts for no understandable reason such as sports injury, fall or “bruise”.

The pain in the bones is felt to come “from within”.

If the pain becomes too great, this can mean that the affected person cannot move their arm or leg, or only poorly, because of the pain, and tension in the muscles can also occur, which also lead to pain and relieving posture.


The tissue over the affected area begins to be affected. It swells up, the swelling can be seen under the skin.

Whether a swelling is visible depends heavily on which bone and where the bone is affected. Likewise, swelling due to excess body fat may not be noticeable even though it is present.

The position of such a swelling can also be changed by gravity.

If, for example, the lower part of the thigh is affected, the lymphatic fluid can shift towards the knee joint by standing for a long time, so that the suspicion of a knee joint problem rather than primary bone cancer can be directed.

Swelling is therefore an unsafe symptom.



Every type of cancer makes you tired because it requires a lot of energy from the person affected to fight it. One symptom of primary bone cancer is inexplicable fatigue.

Despite adequate sleep quality and duration of sleep, one is tired, exhausted and unable to cope with stress. Such fatigue is a serious symptom of bone cancer, especially when combined with pain in the bones and unexplained swelling.



Sometimes (Erwing Syndrome) fever is added to the symptoms. Of course, not every fever means that cancer is present, but it is always important that you clarify every unclear fever with the doctor!

If you observe a fever in yourself or in another person close to you without a specific cause such as cold, tonsillitis or other infectious diseases, then this fever should always be examined more closely.

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