5 Natural Remedies To Treat Phlebitis

Phlebitis can be dangerous if not treated in time. Because of this, we need to take steps to avoid complications that pose a risk to our health

5 natural remedies to treat phlebitis

Phlebitis is a condition that affects blood circulation and can have dire consequences for the body. As with all ailments, it is important to get enough exercise and to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. However, there are also genetic causes that are rather difficult to fight against. If you have this condition, there are several phlebitis remedies that are very effective.

Read on to learn what natural remedies you can use to  treat phlebitis .

What is phlebitis

Definition and treatment of phlebitis

Phlebitis is an inflammatory disease of the blood vessels also known as phlebitis. This disease occurs especially often in the elderly.

There are different types of phlebitis : Superficial phlebitis, that is, the inflammation of the superficial veins, does not pose a major threat. Thrombophlebitis, however, is an acute inflammation with thrombosis that requires therapy.

The blood clots can move around the body and block the blood vessels. In severe cases  , this disease can be fatal. 

Causes of Phlebitis

Phlebitis often results from an injury to a vein wall, which can occur, for example, when blood is drawn, an insect bite or the insertion of a catheter. Varicose veins also promote inflammation of the veins.

In addition, genetic factors can play an important role. Sitting for long periods of time also increases the risk of phlebitis as it disrupts blood flow. Obesity and the accumulation of harmful substances in the blood can also trigger this disease.

Phlebitis causes symptoms such as pain, numbness, burning, reddening of the skin and fever. In this case, you should definitely get a medical examination and, if necessary, initiate the right treatment.

How can you prevent phlebitis?

  • Daily water consumption of at least 1.5 to 2 liters has a positive effect on the body and is also useful in preventing phlebitis.
  • A balanced and healthy diet is very important. We recommend that you regularly consume foods that promote blood circulation (such as those containing fiber and antioxidants). 

Foods with trans fats, as well as alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, are harmful to the body.  Best to do without it completely.

Get regular exercise to improve your blood circulation and reduce the risk of phlebitis.

5 natural remedies to treat phlebitis

Nature provides us with many remedies that can also be used for phlebitis. The following options are very effective:

1. Cold and hot envelopes

Hot and cold compresses can be very helpful for inflammation of the superficial veins, and a hot bath can usually relieve the symptoms.

What you need

  • Envelopes and water

What you gotta do

  • You can use cotton towels or a small towel. Alternately dip the towel in cold and hot water and place it on the affected area to relieve the swelling.
  • Let the envelope sit for 10 minutes.

2. Arnica

Arnica used to treat phlebitis

Arnica has a pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, this medicinal plant stimulates blood circulation. You can get or buy an oil extract to treat phlebitis.

What you need

  • Arnica oil (as much as necessary)
  • 1 spoon of vinegar (15 ml)

What you gotta do

  • Mix the arnica oil and vinegar.
  • Then apply the mixture to the affected areas and leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes. Then wash off with water.

Note: Do not apply to the skin on open injuries.

3. Ginkgo biloba tea

Ginkgo Biloba contains valuable antioxidants and flavonoids that improve blood circulation. This can also prevent blood clots from forming.

What you need

  • 2 spoons of ginkgo biloba leaves or tea bags (30 g)
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)
  • Sweetener (at will)

What you gotta do

  • Scald the leaves or the tea bags with hot water.  If desired, sweeten with honey or another sweetener.
  • It is best to drink the tea at least twice a day.

4. Horsetail tea

The anti-inflammatory effects of this plant can be used in many ways. You can also use it to prevent hardening of the arteries and improve blood flow. 

What you need

  • 2 teaspoons horsetail (30 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • Honey (at will)

What you gotta do

  • Boil the horsetail in hot water. If you want to drink the tea, add some honey.
  • We recommend drinking two cups of tea a day or taking a hot relaxing bath with the mixture.

5. Pineapple

Pineapple used to treat phlebitis

The enzyme bromelain contained in pineapples has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the pineapple has decongestant and pain relieving properties.


  • 4 pineapple pieces
  • Water or natural juice

What you gotta do

Remove the peel and cut the fruit into pieces. Eat 4 pieces and then drink some water or a juice of your choice. In general, you should eat pineapple on an empty stomach and incorporate it into your diet every day.

As you can see, treating phlebitis with these natural remedies is easy. Nevertheless, you should definitely seek advice from your doctor!

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