5 Natural Remedies That Can Support The Treatment Of Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections belong in the hands of a doctor, but healing can be supported by natural means.

5 Natural Remedies That May Help Treat Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections can be prevented with natural means and behavior, but they cannot be completely cured. If you often suffer from urinary tract infections, the suspicion is that you have never cured them properly. There are natural   remedies that can prevent it.

Urinary tract infections require medical treatment

Urinary tract infections are one of the unpleasant sides of life. Basically, they always belong in the hands of a doctor.

However, you can help your body with the right food choices to heal the infection faster.

However, it is important that you take the tablets prescribed by the doctor correctly until the end, otherwise urinary tract infections cannot heal properly and completely and you will have the pleasure more often than you would like.

Natural remedies can support the medically prescribed treatment of urinary tract infections in a meaningful way, but they can never cure them on their own! The following home remedies and behaviors effectively support medical therapy:


1. Natural remedies: flush urinary tract

Your doctor will have already told you: if you have had a urinary tract infection, it is important to always flush your urinary tract so that bacteria do not have a chance to settle there too long and other pathogens also have no chance.

By the way, drinking is one of the best preventive measures against a urinary tract infection anyway!

In the case of a urinary tract infection, two to three liters of drinking are the minimum! The more you drink, the better and more effectively you support your body in getting rid of the annoying infection!

Herbal teas and juices are particularly suitable, as their active ingredients also perfectly support the healing process.


2. Season spicy

What bacteria generally don’t like is hot spices. The bacteria responsible for your urinary tract infections hate mustard oil glucosides. These are even available in the pharmacy in tablets, which are used as natural remedies for urinary tract infections.

If you want to do without the tablets, we can recommend two plants that contain these mustard oil glucosides:

  • Horseradish : It is best to use the horseradish root fresh. If you can’t get fresh horseradish, you can also get one out of the jar, but the general rule is: the fresher, the better! The root is rubbed on a kitchen grater to release the essential oils. Eat a large heaped teaspoon at least three times a day. Watch out, spicy!
  • Nasturtium : Nasturtium can be used like lettuce! For example, cut the leaves into strips and mix in strips of apples and grated cheese. A delicious apple-cheese-cress salad with healing properties! Nasturtiums are also delicious in scrambled eggs or on butter or quark bread.


3. Herbal teas

Admittedly, these teas are not always really tasty, but since when has medicine been a delicacy?

  • Nettle tea : Nettle has a dehydrating effect and thus provides an additional amount of urine that flushes your urinary tract. You can sweeten it with a little Hong, because honey also has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect!
  • Birch leaf tea: You can make this tea yourself from fresh birch leaves. Wash the leaves well and make a brew from them by boiling the leaves in water for at least 10 minutes. Birch leaves have a strong diuretic effect and thus clean the urinary tract.
  • Horsetail tea : Horsetail is also called horsetail. The silicic acid contained in horsetail lowers the pH value of the urine and then makes it “uncomfortable” for the pathogenic bacteria in your urinary tract. To dissolve the silica from the horsetail, you have to cook the stalks for at least 20, preferably 30 minutes.


4. Juices

Of course, a juice is always tastier than an herbal tea. At least almost always. 

However, you should note that juices are fruit.  You can certainly not consume as much fruit as there is in a bottle of juice in the same time as you drank the bottle empty!

Under certain circumstances, this can lead to undesirable reactions, for example flatulence or diarrhea. The additional amount of calories from the mountain of fruit in the bottle should not be neglected either! We recommend the following juices:

  • Cranberry juice : Cranberries are famous for their strong defenses and are especially recommended as a preventive measure against urinary tract infections. Certain ingredients in cranberries probably prevent bacteria from staying in the urinary tract and thus causing an infection.
  • Cranberry juice : We have used cranberries for generations to prevent urinary tract infections. But make sure that it is pure juice from cranberries or lingonberries and not nectar. You can get it in health food stores or health food stores.
  • Citrus Fruit Juice : If you don’t have a lemon, any other citrus fruit will do. The more fruit acid there is in it, the better. Grapefruits, for example, are also ideal. The acid lowers the pH of your urine and makes life difficult for bacteria.


5. Natural remedies: turmeric

Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and can help reduce urinary tract inflammation faster.

A strong tea infusion made from turmeric can help, as can dishes strongly flavored with turmeric or the popular “golden latte”: a drink with turmeric and milk. Note that the effect of turmeric is only optimal if you combine turmeric with pepper!

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