5 Juices That Are Good For The Kidneys

Sufficient water is essential for the health of the kidneys, as it removes harmful substances. Cleansing juices are also highly recommended – they provide the body with important vitamins and nutrients at the same time.

5 juices that are good for the kidneys

The kidneys are responsible for detoxifying and cleaning the blood. Pollutants can accumulate from malnutrition, alcohol consumption, cigarettes, sedentary lifestyle, and many other factors. Here we introduce you to 5 juices that are good for the kidneys. The modern lifestyle can also lead to an overload of the kidneys, because they are very much influenced by pollutants that accumulate in the body. 

Even if the kidneys are constantly cleaning the blood, they cannot work optimally if they are overstrained.

Initially there are no symptoms or problems,  so many ignore the fact that the kidneys are overloaded due to the unhealthy lifestyle.

But an excess of pollutants can lead to serious health problems (kidney failure, kidney stones, infections, cysts and tumors).

It is therefore important to take care of the kidneys to promote their health and function. One of the best ways to do this is to drink enough water. Six to eight glasses are recommended daily.

However, there are also other alternatives, for example these 5 juices , which also provide you with many nutrients at the same time.

Today we recommend 5 juices to expel pollutants that  could threaten health.

The first of the 5 juices – beetroot juice


The beetroot contains a large number of secondary plant substances (e.g. betaine)  and therefore helps to regulate the pH value of the urine. 

It also contains Antioxidants and Nutrients that also promote the elimination of waste materials – for example Struvite and calcium phosphate , the   the most common cause of Represent kidney stones .

Cranberry juice


This juice is very rich in antioxidants and has long been used for kidney and urinary tract infections.

A lot of research shows that this drink works well with urinary tract infections as it fights the bacteria in the bladder and also in the urinary tract.


  • 1 cup of organic cranberry juice (250 ml)
  • 1/2 cup of water (125 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (15 ml)


  • Mix all the ingredients together, then drink this juice on an empty stomach every day.


Watermelon juice

The watermelon has a high proportion of water, fiber and antioxidants,  which cleanse the kidneys and also facilitate the elimination of harmful substances and metabolic end products.


  • 4 cups of fresh watermelon
  • a handful of fresh basil


  • Process the watermelon into juice in a stand mixer or blender.
  • You can then add some water if you wish.  Serve the drink with basil leaves.

Parsley juice


The parsley is known for its highly draining properties. It helps with fluid retention  and also removes harmful substances from the body.

This herb is also rich in carotenoids, iron, chlorophyll and many vitamins, which also cleanse and strengthen the kidneys. Parsley also helps prevent cancer and cleanses the blood.


  • 1 cup of fresh parsley
  • 1 green apple
  • the juice of half a lemon
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger


  • Process all of the ingredients into juice in a blender or blender.
  • Then drink this drink on an empty stomach.

Lemon juice



Lemons are characterized by a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants, which also promote detoxification of the kidneys. 

Citric acid also increases the citrine levels in the body , which can prevent kidney stones. 


  • 4 lemons
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon apple vinegar (15 ml)


  • Squeeze out the four lemons, then mix the juice with the water (room temperature) and the apple cider vinegar.
  • Then drink  the juice on an empty stomach in the morning.

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