5 Foods That Regulate The Sugar Balance

Oats and cinnamon for breakfast provide a lot of energy to start the day healthily and can prevent you from needing snacks in between to stabilize the sugar balance.

5 foods that regulate the sugar balance

Did you know that different foods have the ability to naturally regulate blood sugar levels? If the sugar balance gets out of whack, this leads to cravings, especially sweet things.

More serious changes in the sugar balance lead to symptoms of the pancreas or to diabetes.

In this post we introduce you to five very healthy foods that can help you stabilize your sugar balance and prevent food cravings.

1. Stevia for the sugar balance

Stevia is a plant native to Paraguay that has become very popular as an alternative sweetener in recent years due to its numerous health benefits. One of them is that it helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Because of this ability, stevia is popular as a supportive aid in type II diabetes.

Various studies have shown that the daily intake of 3 cups of stevia tea can regulate the sugar balance and that diabetics can gradually dispense with medication under medical supervision.

In addition  , stevia has no calories and is therefore ideal for satisfying the craving for sweets,  as it means that other, unhealthy sweeteners can be dispensed with.

This plant tastes pleasantly sweet and can therefore replace sugar perfectly.


Either stevia leaves or an extract (in pure form with a dark color, as only this has the health-promoting properties) can be purchased.

Refined stevia (clear), available in many grocery stores, has no health benefits, but it can be used as a calorie-free sugar substitute  for teas and other beverages.

2. cinnamon


This delicious spice is also used in the natural treatment of diabetes  as it can reduce blood sugar levels and delay emptying of the stomach. As a result, sugar spikes that often occur after eating are reduced.

You can use cinnamon in a variety of recipes. Make sure, however, that it is Ceylon cinnamon, which is far healthier than cassia cinnamon.

Cinnamon is excellent for various desserts:  You can use it to season cakes, pudding, ice cream, etc. There are also delicious recipes that use cinnamon in meat dishes.

Another option is to have a cup of cinnamon tea after your meal.

3. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer's yeast

Brewer’s yeast is one of the most nutritious food supplements available. It contains chromium and therefore regulates blood sugar levels, among other things.

Brewer ‘s yeast also ensures a balanced nervous system  and ensures beautiful hair, skin and nails.

You can mix brewer’s yeast as a powder in juices or yogurt or take it in tablet form. The taste is slightly bitter, but there is also brewer’s yeast without bitter substances.

When you take brewer’s yeast with food, you also improve the absorption of nutrients. 

We recommend that you consult your doctor or health practitioner before taking brewer’s yeast, especially if you are using it to treat a chronic disease.

4. Peas


These delicious vegetables are also well known for their sugar regulating properties,  so they shouldn’t be missing from your eating plan.

It contains hardly any sugar itself and prevents blood sugar levels from rising when eating foods that contain sugar.

You can eat peas fresh or frozen in salads, tortillas, or other dishes.

Creamy pea soup with other vegetables is also delicious.

Peas are also available in powder form for enhancing broths and smoothies.

5. Oats


Oats are very nutritious grains that contain valuable fiber, vitamins and minerals and can regulate blood sugar levels. In addition  , oats provide a lot of energy, regulate the digestive system and calm the nerves.

Oats can be consumed at any time of the day, but only small amounts should be eaten in the evening to prevent weight gain.

Oats are particularly recommended for breakfast, both raw in muesli and cooked or as plant-based milk.

You can also use it to replace wheat flour in cookies or cakes.

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