5 Concessions To Remember If You Are Treated Badly

You should make it clear that you will distance yourself if the person who treats you badly doesn’t change.

5 concessions not to forget when treated badly

If someone treats you badly , you can react in different ways: with intelligence, acceptance or aggressiveness.

It is not easy to deal with this situation, because it involves strong emotions that activate certain areas of the brain.

When someone disrespects or threatens you, the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, cingulate gyrus, and insular cortex take control.

These regions are linked to the instinct for survival, so the reaction is often aggressiveness or flight.

In this case, emotional intelligence is important so that fear, anger, and anger can be controlled.

In today’s post, we recommend  5 concessions that are helpful when you feel like you are being treated badly .

1. When someone treats you badly: I know who I am and what I am worth

If someone treats you badly, the limit of permissibility is usually exceeded. Self-esteem is hurt by scorn, aggressive words, humiliation, or cheating.

  • In this situation one feels attacked and hurt, because the gradually built self-esteem, dignity and integrity are lost.
  • If someone claims that you are useless, you shouldn’t make the mistake of getting angry.
  • Don’t forget  that other people’s opinions are not real. You yourself finally know that you are capable of many things and that you can achieve all the goals that you set for yourself.

What others think of you doesn’t define you. There is therefore no reason to lose one’s emotional balance.

2. Draw boundaries


Imagine being surrounded by a ring that, like a life tire, allows you to stay on the surface in all situations.

  • The circle is the basis of your life, your strength, which enables you to cope with everyday life and to go your own way. But one day someone comes too close to you.
  • This person cuts the ring and you slowly go under.

Never let this happen! You have the right to prevent this, to defend yourself, to draw lines between what is allowed and what is not.

This is fundamental to your sanity: if someone is bothering you, react immediately.

Don’t let anyone offend you.

3. Show your assertiveness

When someone treats you badly, you become overwhelmed by your emotions and react with fear or anger.

You can no longer think clearly, you lose your courage and feel overwhelmed.

  • Keep calm. This is the only way you can show your assertiveness and act accordingly.
  • Imagine a palace, a white hall with open windows that let in relaxing light. Come in and take a deep breath. Nothing that the others say or do should make you forget who you are and how much you are worth.

As soon as you calm down, you can talk and act. Acting with assertiveness means respectfully but confidently expressing your opinion and point of view and expressing what is allowed and what is not.

Do not be afraid, defend your opinion!

4. Distance yourself


Those who treat you badly don’t deserve your time and worries. Some people specialize in causing problems, taking their bad moods out on others, and despising those who least deserve it.

  • Often you are treated badly by people close to you: by work colleagues, family members or even by your partner.
  • Anyone who treats you badly has no respect, no empathy and does not understand your emotions. 
  • Having to endure these destructive situations every day is not healthy.
  • Therefore, you should think about it and make decisions. Make it clear that you will not tolerate this behavior and that you will distance yourself if it does not change.

Your sanity comes first!

5. Heal your wounds


If you are treated badly by people close to you, such as life partner, siblings, mother, father etc., it is particularly painful.

If someone important to you does not respect you and exceeds your limits, a  lot of things in you will break. 

  • Sometimes it is not enough to keep your distance. One absolutely has to let the wound of disappointment heal.
  • Take your time. You need moments for yourself to relieve the pain: walking, writing, painting, traveling, meeting friends, etc.

You can find comfort and refuge in many things. The best form, however, is to surround yourself with people who really love you and are also worth loving.

Just as there are people who bring sadness and gray days, there are also people with whom you can start over and become happy. Approach these  people to heal your wounds.

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