4 Things To Lose Weight In The Morning

Did you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? This supplies the body with energy, activates the metabolism and also prevents you from overeating the rest of the day!

4 morning things to lose weight

Losing weight is often a difficult undertaking as it requires life changes, constancy, and effort to achieve your desired goal.

Once the excess kilos are there, great stamina and a lot of motivation are necessary  to break down the fat again and to shape the figure,  and thus also to achieve a better quality of life.

There are several ways  to achieve the goal in a relatively short period of time. Even so, you need patience and willpower to be successful with it.

If you’re looking for a good weight loss strategy and don’t yet know how to achieve this goal in a healthy way,  we recommend doing the following 4 things in the morning: 

Why in the morning?

The hectic rush in the morning, various tasks that are already waiting for you in the morning or other reasons often mean that  the first hours of the morning, when the body could most easily break down fat, are not used accordingly.

After the night’s rest, the organism is recovered and regenerated to start the day with vigor.

In the first few hours of the morning it is easiest to activate the metabolism  and supply the body with the necessary nutrients that are necessary to cope with daily tasks.

It is therefore worthwhile to follow a strategy in order to make the best possible use of this part of the day and thus also make it easier to lose weight. Are you ready?

1. Get up earlier

Get up earlier and lose weight more easily

If you get up at least an hour earlier than usual, this is initially associated with a lot of effort, but it is worth it.

If you can do it, you will have taken an important step towards shedding the excess fat by  giving you a little more time to do important activities.

Think about what you can do in an hour! Some exercise, a cleansing smoothie, a good, balanced breakfast …

2. An energizing drink in the morning to help you lose weight

If you have achieved the first goal and got up earlier, you can introduce various healthy habits to take care of your body and make it easier to lose weight.

Immediately after getting up, it is advisable to prepare  a natural drink that cleanses the body and activates the metabolism.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice for weight loss

This has a strong cleaning effect and consequently improves the functionality of the organs.

Simply squeeze a lemon and mix the juice with a glass of lukewarm water. Drink the lemon juice on an empty stomach!

ginger tea

Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxifying effects , which is  why it is an excellent support for a weight loss diet.

Scald a piece of ginger with hot water and let it steep for 10 minutes. Then add a splash of lemon juice and the drink is ready.

3. Morning exercise

After the cleansing drink  , the moment has come when the body demands some exercise.

To run

Running to lose weight

If you have the opportunity to run, you should do so continuously for at least 10 minutes.


If you prefer walking fast, 20 minutes is recommended. You can also go on the treadmill or use the exercise bike at home.

Exercises at home

In addition to cardiovascular training, it is advisable to do various exercises daily  to strengthen and tone the body while shaping the figure.

The following exercises are recommended:

  • Squats
  • Lunge
  • Lift legs
  • Pushups
  • Stretching exercises

4. A good breakfast

A good breakfast for weight loss

If you want to lose weight,  you should definitely not skip breakfast,  because it is the most important meal of the day.

A good breakfast activates the metabolism and provides a pleasant feeling of fullness, which prevents you from consuming excess calories for the rest of the day.

The following foods should not be missing from a good breakfast:

  • Cereals
  • Proteins
  • fruit
  • Fiber
  • beverages

It is also important to eat breakfast slowly and to chew all foods well. This improves digestion and also promotes the absorption of nutrients.

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