4 Sachets For Your Wardrobe

It often smells a bit musty and unpleasant in the wardrobe. Fortunately, there is a remedy! So you can easily improve the smell with natural air fresheners such as aromatic scented sachets. This article will teach you how to make them yourself!

4 sachets for your wardrobe

Wardrobes are the places in the household that tend to smell a bit musty over time. Because dust and moisture easily collects there. And so these mostly closed rooms can develop an unpleasant smell. Unfortunately, this will then also stick to your clothes. But there are definitely ways you can ensure a better smell in your wardrobe: For example with these aromatic scented sachets !

Of course there are many commercial air fresheners out there these days. And these can also help solve this problem. But you can also easily make your own natural and aromatic scented sachets . You don’t need much for that. Here we show you four possibilities and also give you very general tips for improving the indoor climate in your wardrobe.

Better smell in the wardrobe: Proper cleaning and scented sachets

There are several things you can do to improve the smell in your closet: First of all, it is advisable to ventilate the closet regularly. Because that’s how the air can circulate. You can also do a thorough cleaning. When doing this, make sure you remove any dust or mold residue.

So that it continues to smell pleasantly in your closet afterwards, you can make small scented sachets yourself with herbal and aromatic ingredients. They are very easy to make. And all you really need are things that you in all likelihood have at home anyway or can easily get hold of! So let’s get started!

1. Scented sachets with apples and cinnamon

cinnamon sticks

Do you also love the delicious aroma of cinnamon? Then these scented sachets are sure to be particularly interesting for you! The combination of cinnamon and apple results in a natural air freshener that neutralizes bad smells in closed rooms.

What do you need?

  • Apple peels
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • Sacks made of fabric

What do you have to do?

  • First you peel the apple and then put the peel out in the sun to dry.
  • Then cut the dry pods into small pieces. Then you fill them together with the cinnamon sticks in the cloth bag.
  • Now you put this scented sachet in one of the corners of the wardrobe.
  • To have a long-lasting aroma, you should change the scented sachet at least once a week.

2. Scented sachets with citrus aroma

The intense aroma of citrus fruits also serves as a natural alternative to improve the smell in your closet. You can even use this variant in other rooms such as the bathroom, kitchen or bedroom. The best part is that these sachets are extremely cheap and also keep moths and other insects away.

What do you need?

  • The peel of an orange
  • The zest of a lemon
  • 1/4 cup rice (50 g)
  • Sacks made of fabric

What do you have to do?

  • These scented sachets with citrus aroma and rice have two advantages: On the one hand, they naturally provide a good fragrance. And the rice also serves as a natural dehumidifier. This means that it ensures a dry room climate in the closet. As a result, it is actually one of the best options for neutralizing bad smells in enclosed spaces.
  • First you have to dry the citrus peel to make these sachets.
  • Then you cut them into small pieces and put them in the cloth bag.
  • Now you add the rice. Then you close the scented sachet well.
  • Now all you have to do is place it where you want it. If you want, you can make several bags and put them in the different corners of the closet.

3. Improve smell with aromatic herbs

You can use herbs such as lavender, rosemary or thyme for this, for example. They are particularly good at removing unpleasant odors from different areas of the house. Here we will show you how you can make wonderfully aromatic scented sachets with them. At the same time, they also help to repel insects.

What do you need?

  • 1/2 cup of aromatic herbs as you like (you can use a mixture of different herbs for this, or you can just use one variety).
  • 5 cloves
  • 1/4 cup rice (50 g)
  • Cloth bag

What do you have to do?

  • First you chop the herbs into small pieces. Then you put them in the cloth bag.
  • Next you also put the cloves and rice in the bag.
  • Then just close it well and put the scented sachet in a corner of the wardrobe.

4. Also help: aromatic candles

For example, you can use the leftovers from your scented candles for these scented sachets. You can also use it to create a pleasant smell in the wardrobe! This is quite simple. And all you need is the melted and dried wax that is usually left over from these candles.

What do you need?

  • Melted, dried wax (at least 50 g)
  • Cloth bag

What do you have to do?

  • First you need to crush the dried melted wax of the aromatic candles.
  • Then you put it in the cloth bag and close it well.
  • Then simply put the scented sachet in your closet.
  • It is best if you make several bags. Because this way you can distribute them in different corners of the closet. This way the scent will last longer.

And? Do you feel like making your own scented sachets? Then just try the variant that you liked the most. You will find that this can be used to improve the smell in your closet. And that without having to resort to chemicals!

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