4 Nutrition Tips For The Health Of Your Thyroid Gland

In order to maintain the health of your thyroid gland, you should avoid finished products as much as possible and prefer organic foods! 

4 nutrition tips for your thyroid health

Do you suffer from a thyroid disorder? In this case, the daily diet is fundamental to regulate the function of this butterfly-shaped organ. You will then find various nutrition tips  for the  health of  your thyroid gland.

Why is diet essential in thyroid health?

The thyroid is located in the neck below the larynx in front of the windpipe. Their main job is the production of hormones. A disorder of the thyroid gland can lead to under- or overprotection, which is  called hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

Diet tips for thyroid health

Diet tips for thyroid health

The health of the thyroid gland is of great importance, with different nutrition tips  can achieve very much! Pay particular attention to a natural diet with freshly prepared food.

The following nutritional tips can help keep your thyroid healthy:

1. Iodine in your diet

Iodine is very important in your diet, especially for the production of hormones. An iodine deficiency can lead to disorders. For example, the thyroid gland may enlarge and form a goiter.

If there is a lack of iodine during pregnancy, the baby could suffer from mental problems.

You should therefore get enough iodine through your diet, because it cannot be produced by the organism itself. If you have an underactive thyroid, your doctor will likely prescribe additional iodine.

With an overactive thyroid gland, however, caution is advised with iodine-containing drugs. Get advice from your doctor!

2. Cranberries

Diet tips with cranberries

Our nutrition tips also include cranberries. They contain little fat, sodium and cholesterol, but a lot of iodine (1/2 cup contains around 400 mcg iodine), fiber, antioxidants and vitamins C and K.

We recommend adding two cups of cranberries to your diet every week. You can use them for salads, mixed drinks, or desserts. Cranberry juice is also delicious!

Here is a very healthy recipe:


  • 1 cup of tender spinach (60 g)
  • 1 cup of cranberry juice (250 ml)
  • 5 nuts
  • 1 ice cube


  • Process all ingredients in a stand mixer or blender to make a mixed drink.

3. Potatoes

This tuber, originally from America, contains around 60 mcg of iodine per piece. However, to benefit from this, the potato must be properly cooked: 

  • Use little fat and also little salt. It’s best to use the steamer or oven to prepare the potatoes.
  • In combination with other vegetables, potatoes have a filling effect and provide important fiber.
  • Don’t eat too much, though! Potatoes are high in carbohydrates, so you should  n’t eat more than one medium-sized potato a day. 

However, you should avoid french fries and potato chips as much as possible, because these are made with unhealthy fats and also contain preservatives that can damage the thyroid.

4. Eat as naturally as possible

Nutrition tips with fruit

For the sake of your health, you should avoid finished products, cans and industrially processed foods as much as possible  The more natural and fresher the diet, the better for the thyroid.

As mentioned earlier, the thyroid is fundamental to hormone production and you should take care of it accordingly. Avoid harmful chemicals, sweeteners, preservatives, etc.

Buy fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, it’s not just your thyroid that will benefit! After a few weeks you will already feel the difference. Note the following recommendations, it’s not that difficult:

  • Avoid sugared corn flakes and muesli mixes and instead buy natural cereal flakes made from oats, amaranth, wheat or quinoa without additives. Not only are they cheaper, they are also much healthier!
  • Choose fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables to get the most out of all the vital substances.

You can also plant vegetables yourself!

  • You can also easily make yogurt yourself. Here you will find instructions: Make your own natural yoghurt – it’s very easy!
  • It is best to replace soft drinks with homemade iced tea or water with lemon or other fruits.
  • Prepare yourself healthy snacks to satisfy your hunger in between. There are many opportunities! Raw, unsalted dried fruits or seeds are also perfect.

Put these simple nutrition tips into practice to keep your thyroid healthy!

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