4 Healthy Drinks For Weight Loss

These drinks can complement a healthy, low-calorie diet and help you lose weight. Many people struggle with being overweight, so any tip is welcome. 

4 healthy drinks for weight loss

If your goal is to lose weight in a healthy way, then we recommend a variety of  healthy  weight loss drinks  that you can easily make.

As you know, most of the human body is made up of water, up to 75%, which of course has an effect on weight. To make weight loss easier, a healthy diet, adequate exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits are important.

Additionally, these drinks can be very helpful  in achieving your goal. With it you can stimulate the metabolism and process vitamins, minerals, proteins and sugar better.

Convince yourself of it! Healthy weight loss drinks taste delicious, so there’s no excuse.

Healthy drinks for weight loss

1. Watermelon and Lemon

Healthy weight loss drinks with watermelon

The watermelon not only tastes delicious and refreshing, it is also perfect for losing weight. It has a strong dehydrating effect and is low in calories. You can eat them in their natural form or drink them in juices or smoothies.

Today we recommend a recipe with lemon that  tastes wonderful and at the same time will help you achieve your desired weight in a healthy way. 


  • 1 slice of watermelon (70 g)
  • 3 medium cups of lemon water (750 mL)
  • Ice cubes


  • Put the lemon water in the blender. It shouldn’t be too sour, because the slimming drink should taste good too!
  • Then put the melon slices cut into pieces into the water.
  • Process everything well until you have a homogeneous mixed drink.
  • When it’s warm, you can serve this drink with ice cubes.

2. Drink for weight loss with orange, lemon and grapefruit

This drink is recommended regardless of the season to make weight loss easier. This  combination of citrus fruits will help you burn fat. 

The  amino acids and vitamin C it contains strengthen the immune system. The juice tastes delicious and is very healthy!


  • 1 cup of orange juice (250 mL)
  • Juice of half a lemon (25 mL)
  • Juice of half a grapefruit (25 mL).


  • Mix all juices together. If you prefer it a little sweeter, you can add more orange juice and less lemon or grapefruit.
  • Serve the  juice chilled in summer or at room temperature in colder times of the year. 

3. Drink with kiwi and spinach

Healthy drinks for weight loss with kiwi fruit

This combination may sound strange, but fruit and vegetables made into a smoothie are great for making weight loss easier. The taste is wonderful and the drink provides important vital substances. You can easily prepare it.


  • 1 kiwi (40 g)
  • 3 spinach leaves (35 g)
  • 2 cups of cold water (250 mL)
  • 1 sweetener as required, we recommend stevia (45 g)


  • Peel and cut the kiwi, then put in the blender or blender.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and process everything well.
  • Decorate the drink with a small leaf of spinach.

4. Cranberry juice

Healthy drinks for weight loss with cranberries

You probably know the  wonderful properties of cranberries. Blueberries are in no way inferior to these and can be bought fresh in the region in summer. You can use it to break down fat, reduce inflammation and also benefit from the diuretic effect.

Combined with cold water or in a smoothie for breakfast, it is an excellent way  to promote weight loss. It won’t take you more than 5 minutes to make this drink.


  • 2 cups of cold water or low-fat milk (250 mL)
  • 1 cup of fresh blueberries or cranberries (150 g)


  • Decide for yourself whether you prefer to prepare the drink with water or milk. You can of course also use plant-based milk for this.
  • Process everything in the blender  until you have a homogeneous mixed drink. 
  • Serve the drink with ice cubes if desired.

Healthy weight loss drinks taste delicious and are very beneficial for your health too!

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