3 Effective Digestive Teas

By combining chamomile and mint you get an excellent, healing herbal tea and can use the advantages of both plants. Chamomile prevents stomach inflammation, mint neutralizes the acid.

3 effective digestive teas

Digestive teas  are of great benefit after a large meal. We are therefore introducing you to various options so that you can avoid the unpleasant feeling of fullness after eating and stimulate your digestion. 

Effective digestive teas

1. Ginger tea

Ginger has become very popular in recent years. Because this sharp root is characterized by a wide variety of health-promoting properties. 

The active ingredients gingerol, shogaol etc. it contains have the following advantages:

  • They stimulate the pancreas and the gallbladder, thus promoting digestion.
  • At the same time, they reduce the feeling of fullness after eating.
  • This will prevent dyspepsia and gas.
  • In addition, ginger helps against nausea and nausea.

That’s why ginger tea is recommended after meals to stimulate digestion. In combination with chamomile and lemon you get one of the best digestive teas 

  • Use an organic lemon as the peel is also used.
  • Boil half a sliced ​​lemon in water for a few minutes.
  • Then remove from the heat and add the peeled and grated ginger and 2 tea bags with chamomile.
  • Let everything steep briefly and then pour through a sieve. If desired, sweeten with honey or stevia.

Reading tip: 5 pieces of advice for perfect digestion

Digestive teas with chamomile

2. Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea on its own is also great for improving digestion. The chamomile has a calming effect and alleviates the unpleasant feeling of fullness. This can also reduce stomach inflammation and flatulence.

The recipe is very simple:

  • Scald a spoonful of chamomile flowers with boiling water and let it steep for five minutes. You can  add peppermint if desired. Then pour everything through a sieve to remove the solids.
  • If desired, sweeten with honey or stevia.

3. Boldo

The special taste of Boldo makes this tea very popular with many. It stimulates the liver function as well as the secretion of the gallbladder.  In this way, the digestion of high-fat foods can be made easier.

To improve the effect, Boldo can be combined with peppermint, chamomile or tarragon.

Here, too, the preparation is very simple:

  • Pour boiling water over the herbs, let them steep for a few minutes and then sieve them off. If desired, sweeten with honey or stevia. 

    You too can benefit from the excellent effects of these digestive teas!

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