3 Drinks For A Bloated Stomach

A bloated stomach can be excruciating, but thank goodness there are delicious drinks that help

3 drinks for a bloated stomach

A bloated stomach not only presses against the waistband, but also on the mood. And with tight, figure-hugging clothing, it is also visible to everyone. How good that we are presenting 3 drinks for a bloated stomach !

The bloated stomach can then be mistaken for a bacon stomach. Either way, it’s not a good feeling. It’s good that there are delicious drinks that reduce gas and are healthy at the same time!

Where does gas come from?

Flatulence, constipation or abdominal pain can have many causes, some of which originate in the intestines.

One-sided nutrition through diets, alleged food intolerances or nutritional half-knowledge lead to unhealthy digestion.

Lactic acid bacteria, on the other hand, support a healthy intestinal flora. You don’t have to buy the expensive probiotic dairy products that are advertised as health-promoting.

A varied supply of these bacteria from different sources is just as good and also much cheaper. For example, the following products contain lactic acid bacteria:

  • Natural yoghurt with various yoghurt bacteria (“mild” or “Greek”, …)
  • kefir
  • sauerkraut
  • Kimchi (white cabbage, spicy and sour fermented)
Drinks for a bloated stomach

Dietary fiber for flatulence

If you’re not used to fiber, a sudden excess of it can lead to gas. This can be the case if you have previously been eating white bread and ready-made meals instead of using fruits and vegetables.

Basically, help dietary fiber  but  flatulence because they increase stool volume.  In this way, solid stool, which causes flatulence, is pushed outside with pressure.

In addition, fiber is absolutely necessary for a healthy intestinal flora. Dietary fiber is also said to be helpful in preventing colon cancer.

Studies also suggest that a high-fiber breakfast can even lower cholesterol. So, helping your gut with fiber from fruit is a good place to start.

If possible, avoid peeling the fruit. Because the peel (of e.g. apple, pear, peach & Co) offers you an additional, good supply of fiber!

Because the peel of fruit is often treated with pesticides, fungicides, waxes, and other pollutants, make sure you buy organically grown fruit whenever possible. This way you can eat your fruit unpeeled with a clear conscience!

We have three recipes for delicious drinks against a bloated stomach for you! And they are all high in fiber from fruit!

Apple kefir shake against a bloated stomach

Apple kefir shake

Apples contain two types of fiber : the invisible pectins and the visible pectins. These pectins also make it necessary that you drink this drink immediately after preparation, otherwise it will gel and become unattractively thick. You need:

  • 250ml kefir
  • 1 apple (organic, with peel!)
  • Lemon juice

Core the apple, then cut it into small pieces. Then puree it with kefir in a blender or with a hand blender and finally taste with lemon juice. Drink immediately!

Pineapple smoothie for a bloated stomach

Pineapple smoothie for a bloated stomach

This drink is very quick and easy to make. You only need two ingredients:

  • ½ pineapple
  • 1 glass of water

Cut the half pineapple into cubes and puree it into a delicious smoothie by adding water to taste.

Pineapple contains a lot of fiber and also contains the enzyme bromelain, which effectively supports digestion.

Raspberry and kiwi drink against a bloated stomach

Raspberry and kiwi drinks

What is less well known is that raspberries are also excellent sources of fiber. If you think about it, you will quickly find out for yourself why:

Their little kernels, which are in every little ball, are a digestive aid for you!

Chop them up well so they can absorb more fluids and increase stool volume by swelling. That gets your bowels going! For the drink you will need:

  • 125g raspberries
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1 glass of water

Peel the kiwi and wash the raspberries. Then put everything together in a tall container and puree the ingredients with the hand blender or hand blender to make a delicious smoothie.

If you have a blender that is strong enough to crush ice cubes, you can of course use ice cubes instead of water  – a refreshing and delicious summer drink for a bloated stomach!

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