16 Different Ways To Use Banana Peels

Did you know that banana peels make beautiful? Thanks to their many vitamins and antioxidants, they work against acne, for example, and delay skin aging.

16 different ways to use banana peels

The banana is a delicious fruit that can be used in many ways and is rich in nutrients. It is available almost everywhere and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Here we introduce you to 16 different ways to use banana peels.

As with most fruits, with the banana usually only the fruit is consumed and the rest ends up in the  garbage, as no other possible uses are known. 

But the banana peel can be very useful for many things, because it also contains valuable antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are good for your health.

In addition, the bowls can also be used in the household and for beauty purposes. In this post you will find 16 ways to use the peels of this delicious fruit as well.

Banana peels are healthy!

Use health

1. Painkillers: The banana peel contains a natural oil that can be used as a painkiller for burns and injuries.

2. Against warts: To combat annoying warts on hands or other parts of the body, you can put a piece of banana peel on the corresponding area before going to bed so that it can work overnight. Then repeat this “regimen” until the wart is gone.

3. Against hemorrhoids : You can simply put the inside of the banana on the wound overnight. Repeat as often as necessary.

4th Soothes Redness : In the magazine for pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry was advised the inside a banana peel to put on the skin reddened by poison ivy.

5. Stop itching : To the itching from insect bites as well as poison ivy to alleviate , you can touch the affected area with the inside d he Banana peel  rub and let act briefly. 

Banana peels make you beautiful!

Banana peel

6. Against acne:  The inside of the banana peel contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that cleanse the skin and help with acne. Simply cover the pimples with a piece of banana peel until it oxidizes.

7. Anti-wrinkle agent:  The antioxidant properties of the peel protect the skin from premature aging. In the eye area in particular, banana peels can be very helpful in smoothing and tightening the skin. Simply place the inside of the bowl on top.

8. Removes splinters: Disturbing splinters in the skin can easily be removed with the peel of a banana. Place the shell on the affected area, then secure it with tape. Then simply pull on it to remove the splinter.

9. White teeth: Banana peels can whiten teeth and remove stains. To do this, rub the teeth with the inside for about 2 minutes. Then repeat this process every day.

Banana peels for the household

Use banana peel

10. Polishing leather goods: The inside of the banana peel can help make leather goods shine. You can use it to treat shoes, furniture, and other leather items, for example. Simply rub the leather with the shell and then polish with a cotton cloth.

11. Makes silverware shine: mix the banana peel with a little water in a blender until a paste results. Use these to clean silverware and remove stains.

12. Makes avocados ripen faster:  The banana peel contains a hormone called ethylene that speeds up the ripening time.

If you want your tough avocado to ripen quickly, all you have to do is put it in a bag of banana peel and store it closed for 24 hours.

13. Helps against pests:  This means you can do without poisonous and harmful insect sprays. If your plants are infested with pests, you can simply stick banana peels into the ground (3 – 5 cm deep).

14. Plant fertilizer: Since banana peels contain a lot of potassium, plants grow better with it. Simply mash the peel with the banana with a fork and then dig into the flower pot.

15. Compost: Put the banana peels in your compost bin, along with your other organic waste. Banana peels disintegrate easily and then supply the earth with important nutrients.

16. Keeps meat tender: If you want to prevent meat from drying out, you can simply add the peel of a ripe banana to the roaster before you put it in the oven.

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