11 Health-promoting Properties Of Lemon

11 health benefits of lemon

This sour citrus fruit is found in almost all households. Here we introduce you to the health-promoting properties of lemon.

It has a very special taste that refines numerous drinks and dishes and is also full of health-promoting ingredients.

The lemon is especially known  for its high vitamin C content. However, it also contains B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and fiber. 

This citrus fruit has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times, and its positive properties have been confirmed in numerous scientific studies.

One of the best advantages is its base-forming effect, with which the pH value can be balanced.

Nowadays the organism is often over-acidified by diet, which is why it is particularly recommended to rebalance the acid-base balance. Do you know all the healthy properties of lemon?

Lemon has a draining effect


It contains valuable antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and therefore has a dehydrating effect. It helps to expel fluid retention and accumulated pollutants.

That is why the lemon is particularly recommended for internal cleansing of the body and as a preventative against various diseases.

Blood purifying effect

The antioxidants it contains also help cleanse the arteries and cleanse the blood. With these fruits the elimination of pollutants and residues from the bloodstream is promoted and consequently cardiovascular diseases are prevented.

It can also be used to support diseases such as cholera and malaria.

Antipyretic effect

Hot water with lemon is excellent for lowering a fever in case of flu or colds. This home remedy strengthens the immune system and reduces the body temperature as it increases perspiration.

Against high blood pressure


Anyone who suffers from high blood pressure and regularly drinks water with lemon juice can lower the values ​​with it. This is thanks to the high potassium content,  which works against fluid retention and thus also reduces blood pressure.

Sore throat

The lemon is known for its antibiotic and antiviral effects. Various treatments are particularly effective for sore throats. For example, you can make a warm tea with lemon and drink it slowly.

Lemon juice for gargling can also be very effective. It’s best to use this remedy several times a day to reduce inflammation.

Difficulty breathing

The vitamin C contained in lemon and its antibiotic and antiviral effects also alleviate breathing difficulties. This citrus fruit can help clear the airways and boost the immune system. 

It is also excellent for diseases such as asthma, bronchitis or other ailments.

Rich in antioxidants

lemon tea

It contains vitamin C and other important antioxidants that  help fight free radicals and prevent serious diseases like cancer. They also work against premature aging.

stomach problems

Since the lemon helps to balance the acid-base balance, it can also be very advisable for various stomach problems. These include, for example:

  • Flatulence
  • constipation
  • Upset stomach
  • Parasites
  • nausea
  • heartburn

Helps you lose weight

vitamin-d-lose weight

If you want to lose weight and are on a healthy diet, lemons should not be missing. This delicious fruit can help break down body fat and eliminate harmful substances from the body . It also has a filling effect.

In this case, a daily glass of lemon water on an empty stomach is recommended.

For healthy skin

Daily consumption is beneficial for healthy, glowing and young skin. This fruit can also be used externally to treat skin infections, acne, excess sebum, scars or blemishes.

In all of these cases, it has to be used in the evening when you no longer have to go outside – it can actually have the opposite effects when exposed to the sun.

Shiny hair


The lemon is also excellent for cleansing and beautifying the hair and scalp. Lemon juice helps cleanse the scalp and prevents dandruff. In addition, this has a slightly lightening effect, improves the hair texture and ensures a beautiful shine.

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