11 Alternative Uses For Wick VapoRub

Not only can this ointment be of great benefit for colds, it also soothes muscle pain, can keep insects away and has various cosmetic uses. Learn about different ways to use Wick VapoRub here. 

11 alternative uses for Wick VapoRub

Usually this ointment is used for colds and sore throats or coughs, but there are numerous alternative uses  for Wick VapoRub. 

The main ingredients in this ointment include camphor, menthol and eucalyptus, which have a variety of benefits. Today we are going to introduce you to various uses  for Wick VapoRub  that are very useful.

Possible uses for Wick VapoRub

1. Insect repellent

Possible uses for Wick VapoRub against insects

Wick VapoRub is a great way to keep annoying insects away. Simply put an open can in the room for immediate success. The mosquitoes or flies will disappear because they don’t like the strong smell.

Wick VapoRub is very effective at repelling insects.

2. Against headaches

This menthol-containing ointment can also relieve headaches. Simply rub a small amount of Wick VapoRub onto your forehead. This home remedy works very quickly.

3. Excellent peeling

Possible uses for Wick VapoRub as a peeling

You can apply Wick VapoRub to your heels before bed and then put on socks afterwards. The next morning, wash your feet with cold water and work with a pumice stone.

Repeat this procedure for several days in a row for excellent results. Foot care is so easy!

4. Reduce belly fat

The application possibilities for Wick VapoRub are very versatile. Did you know that you can also use it to break down fat deposits on your stomach?

Simply mix one tablespoon of crushed camphor herb, one tablespoon of alcohol, one tablespoon of baking soda and half a can of Wick VapoRub.

Before exercising, apply this ointment to the stomach area or other areas where you would like to lose fat.

Then you wrap these areas with plastic film. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes, then rinse it off with plenty of water.

If you repeat this process two or three times a week, you will soon see a difference:  this home remedy works in the same way as a reducing cream. 

5. Keep pets away from the furniture

Possible uses for Wick VapoRub: Keep pets away from furniture

If your pet is comfortable on your expensive sofa and you want to prevent this from happening,  Wick VapoRub is also of great use.

Simply apply the ointment to certain areas (or place a cloth with Wick VapoRub on it) that  you want to keep your pet away from. 

6. Reduce stretch marks

You can also treat stretch marks with Wick VapoRub. Simply apply directly to the strips. After 2 weeks you will see positive results, but don’t expect the streaks to go away completely.

7. Against nail fungus

Possible uses for Wick VapoRub: against nail fungus

If you have nail fungus, this home remedy can be very helpful. Simply apply it to the affected nail and then put on socks.

The next day, wash and cut the nail. Repeat this treatment until the problem goes away.

8. Reduce bruising

You can also use Wick VapoRub to reduce bruises or bruises. They will go away much faster with this home remedy!

9. Against pain in the ears

Possible application for Wick VapoRub: against pain in the ears

To reduce earache, you can simply stick some cotton wool with Wick VapoRub in your ear. Nevertheless, you should see a doctor so that the correct treatment can be initiated if necessary.

Wick VapoRub is only used for momentary pain relief.

10. Against acne

With Wick VapoRub you can also improve the complexion if you suffer from acne. Simply apply a small amount to the pimples and you will see positive results quickly.

Use this home remedy before bed to get the most benefit.

11. Perfect against muscle and back pain

Wick VapoRub for back pain

This ointment is perfect for relaxing tense muscles. Massage a small amount until you find relief.

Before using Wick VapoRub, however, you should make sure that you are not allergic to it.

Simply apply a little on the skin and watch whether the skin turns red or burns. If this is the case, you will need to avoid these home remedies.

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