10 Simple Tricks To Burn Fat Every Day

Don’t forget that breakfast is essential for the body to get the metabolism going and to start losing fat. It also provides enough energy to start the day with vitality.

10 simple tricks to burn fat every day

It is not difficult to incorporate a few small changes into your everyday life in order to burn fat almost automatically  . With these tips you can successfully support a diet or simply make sure that you maintain your weight and diets are a thing of the past!

10 simple tricks to burn fat


Drink more and the right thing

The feeling of satiety occurs when a receptor on the stomach registers a certain state of filling and stretching. It does not matter whether there is only soup in the stomach or French fries. So if you drink with your meals, your stomach reports “full” to the brain more quickly.

By the way, from now on drinks are always calorie-free for you, everything else is food. You should always cover your fluid requirements with absolutely calorie-free drinks.

Avoid snacks between meals

Fat can only be burned if your blood sugar levels are not high. Namely, when no insulin has been released. As soon as you eat something high in calories, the blood sugar level rises, insulin is released and the burning of fat is interrupted.

If you stay away from calories for four to six hours between meals, your body can burn fat too. Every tiny, no matter how healthy snack (or the dairy cafe) interrupts the burning of fat because insulin is released.

Chew thoroughly

Your body literally has a “long line” from your stomach to your brain. So give the feeling of satiety time to reach the brain as well. So chew thoroughly, because every bite that ends up in your stomach, well chopped and copiously saliva, will be digested better.

Make your own rules, for example “chew every bite 10 times” or “take a short drink break after every bite” or something similar. If you eat too fast, you are eating past your feeling of fullness. If you give your body time to report “full”, you will automatically eat less.


Sleep enough!

Lack of sleep creates appetite and hunger. Those who are well rested tend to eat less snacks and sweets. The sleep hormone melatonin also helps burn fat. The body can only form this in absolute darkness.

So make sure that your bedroom is really dark and not just “darkened”. If you get up at night, try not to turn on any lights, it will destroy the sleep hormone immediately.

Put your smartphone with the glass down next to the bed so that no light from the display can disturb your night’s sleep. Of course, it would be even better to switch it off because of the radiation.

Don’t go to sleep with a full stomach!

There should be at least four hours between the last meal (the last calories) and bedtime. This gives your body time to burn some of the fat through everyday activities before going to sleep.

If you lie in bed with a full stomach, there is hardly any fat burning. Because every movement burns additional calories and thus fat!

Change your dinner

If you want to burn fat, you should make sure that the last meal of the day is “low carb”, meaning that it contains a lot of protein and practically no carbohydrates.

This may sound complicated at first, but if you take a close look at the ingredients of the foods you eat every time, you will quickly come to terms with it.

For example, a delicious herb quark with cucumber sticks, a piece of meat with lettuce, grilled fish with oven vegetables or perhaps a vegetable soup?


Eat fiber!

Dietary fiber makes you feel full for a long time because it only slowly increases and decreases blood sugar levels. If you are full for a long time, it will automatically be easier for you to avoid snacks.

Fiber is found in whole grain products, fruits and vegetables. If you eat fruit, try not to peel off the peel (if it is edible)!

healthy Kitchen

More fruits and vegetables!

Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and large in volume. The more you eat of it, the fuller your belly with fewer calories. This trick is also called “volumetrics”: full plate, full stomach, few calories!


Move more in everyday life

It sounds trite, but it’s crystal clear: the more you move, the higher your calorie consumption. Therefore, try to basically integrate more movement into your everyday life.

It doesn’t have to be a marathon training that you start with today, but “small cattle also mess up” and any way you move around adds up at the end of the day. The tips are simple: when shopping, find the parking space furthest from the entrance.

Get off one stop early on the way to and from work. When the weather is good, always use the bike – if possible. Forbid you elevators. Take out the garbage “single-handedly” – not if you have to get out of the house anyway.

Take detours to eat during your lunch break. Take a walk or up and down while you are on the phone. More ideas are sure to come to you if you just start with them!


Run faster

When you run, run faster. New German would be said to be “walking”, but just increase your walking pace on your way to the bus stop (next but one!), On the way to the bakery, on the way home. This gets the circulation going and fat burning on its toes!

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