10 Possible Causes Of Gastritis

It is very important to know what triggers gastritis in order to prevent this disease or to prevent its symptoms from worsening.

10 possible causes of gastritis

To understand the possible causes of gastritis, it is important to know that gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach that can cause various discomfort and pain.

The stomach can withstand a lot, but if the protective cover of the stomach wall is damaged by too much alcohol, spicy food, smoking or poor eating habits, diseases such as gastritis can occur.


Although the symptoms and causes of gastritis can vary from patient to patient, there are still  general symptoms that occur in almost all cases:

  • Malaise and stomach pain
  • Frequent belching
  • Bleeding in the stomach
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Bloating and heartburn
  • Vomiting or stool with blood (which could mean bleeding from the walls of the stomach).

    Since these symptoms can occur with other diseases, it is important to see a doctor so that they can make a correct diagnosis and treatment.

    Causes of Gastritis

    10 common causes of gastritis

    1. Dairy products

    When  intolerant, dairy products can  cause gastritis. Because these products irritate the stomach and are often difficult to digest.

    In many cases, the symptoms appear several hours after ingestion, not immediately afterwards. We therefore advise against consuming dairy products and switch to herbal products.

    2. Lots of fat and little fiber

    Often, a high-fat diet, in which fried foods, red meat and fast food predominate, also results in gastritis.

    Fatty foods are very heavy and can cause chronic irritation to the stomach. Most of these foods do not contain fiber, which is essential for proper digestion.

    Causes of Gastritis

    3. Too much caffeine

    Caffeine is a stimulant that in small amounts does no harm and can even be beneficial. However, drinking too much coffee, energy drinks, tea or beverages rich in caffeine can lead to stomach irritation and a cause of gastritis.

    4. Helicobacter pylori

    This bacterium is particularly common in South America, where 80-90% of people are infected.

    Especially in the digestive tract, Helicobacter pylori triggers various diseases and is considered to be the main cause of gastritis and urinary tract infections.

    5. Medicines

    Medicines are not always the best solution for treating health problems. Aspirin or certain anti-inflammatories cause severe irritation, especially if you have a fragile stomach.

    6. Alcohol and cigarettes

    Both alcohol and cigarettes have negative effects on our organism. The stomach can also suffer badly. Therefore, you should definitely avoid it if you have gastritis.

    Causes of Gastritis

    7. Food intolerance

    Apart from dairy products, other foods can also trigger intolerance, which can then lead to gastritis, among other things. These include, for example, spicy foods, gluten, carbohydrates and sugars.

    8. biliary reflux

    The reflux of bile to the stomach, or biliary reflux, is also one of the causes of gastritis.

    The bile is a thick digestive juice. This is excreted by the liver and accumulated in the bile to aid digestion by converting fats into fatty acids.

    Causes of Gastritis

    9. Autoimmune Disease

    In addition, in a few cases an autoimmune disorder that leads to an attack on the stomach wall cells can be a cause. Autoimmune gastritis is usually a side effect of another autoimmune disease, such as type I diabetes or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

    10. Stress

    In addition, acute gastritis can be caused by a physical stressful situation. For example, surgical intervention, burns, injuries or severe inflammation, etc.

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