10 Household Items That You Should Clean More Often

If you don’t clean your household properly, the risk of bacteria increases. That is why it is very important to make a good cleaning plan, be neat and not forget anything!

10 household items that you should clean more often

It doesn’t always have to glitter and shine, but cleanliness in the household is very important to prevent the spread of bacteria or other pathogens. That’s why we’ve put together a list of things in the household that you should definitely clean on a regular basis.

Different types of bacteria accumulate in every home. There are probably millions of these microorganisms  living with us, while this shouldn’t become an obsession, but you shouldn’t forget the following elements when cleaning your household:

10 household things that you shouldn’t forget when cleaning!

Things in the household that you shouldn't forget when cleaning!
You shouldn’t forget anything when cleaning the house!
  • Sponges:  You shouldn’t overcharge on sponges thinking they will last a long time. Since they are usually moist, germs tend to accumulate here, so it is important to renew them regularly!
  • Shower curtain:  You should wash the shower curtain every 15 days. This is additional work, but bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms like to settle here too. You can get rid of mushrooms with baking soda and vinegar, and then wash the curtain in the washing machine.
  • WC:  You will be amazed, but usually more microorganisms accumulate on the computer or on various household appliances than on the toilet. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t clean the toilet less often as a result. Once a week is the minimum. Tip: Before you flush, you should close the lid so that the dirt stays in the toilet bowl.
  • Towels:  how often do you wash the towels? Here, too, not only dead skin cells but also germs and bacteria accumulate. It is best not to use it for more than three days.
  • Other items in the bathroom:  Needless to say, there are many other items in the bathroom that require regular cleaning as well. For example, if you dry the tiles after every shower, less dirt will build up. Also, don’t forget the soap dishes, mirrors, and other surfaces.

Other items that need to be cleaned regularly

Other household items that need to be cleaned regularly
Various corners and things in the household need to be cleaned frequently!
  • Sheets:  Even if you shower or bathe every day, you should wash the sheets every week. Dead skin cells, for example, accumulate in it. You can vacuum them off every day, but you should still wash them once a week to ensure the necessary purity.
  • Floors:  The frequency with which the floor is cleaned depends on how stressed it is, whether there are pets, whether it is raining… Areas that are used by more than one person should definitely be cleaned at least once a week.
  • Door handles and keys:  You shouldn’t think twice about how many bacteria can romp around here. If you don’t clean these household items regularly, there are a surprising number of them! Use medical alcohol to disinfect door handles and keys.
  • Switch:  We operate light switches continuously and a lot of dirt therefore accumulates on them. Again, use medicinal alcohol or vinegar to clean the switches.
  • Computer, mouse, remote control, cell phone:  we always have these devices in hand, which is why bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms tend to accumulate here. We therefore recommend that you disinfect these devices with alcohol once a week.

We would also like to remind you  that carpets and upholstery also have to be vacuumed and cleaned regularly. It doesn’t have to be every day, but don’t forget that unpopular microorganisms can also spread in it.

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