10 Effective Treatment Options For Back Pain

Various practices such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture and the like are all ideal treatment options for back pain.

10 effective treatments for back pain

Most back problems are caused by poor posture or incorrect movement. If you spend most of your day sitting at your desk and then lying on the sofa in the evening, you can be sure that sooner or later you will have to do something about back pain. Because you will get this pretty sure.
A predominantly sedentary lifestyle is also a risk factor for developing diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Ultimately, all of this can shorten your life by many years.

Correct posture is very important to your overall health. Nevertheless, nowadays, especially in our industrial society, very few people have good posture. Most of us sooner or later have to take various measures against back pain .

It is very important that we understand how our body works. Because only if we understand how the musculoskeletal system works can we behave and move accordingly – and thereby prevent further damage, injuries and pain.

The majority of adults will sooner or later have to do something about back pain. Because back pain is a very common ailment in today’s working world and one of the most common reasons for absenteeism.

When should you see a doctor?

In most cases the pain is temporary and usually the pain is not caused by a serious cause. Usually, a little rest and relaxation will help relieve back pain. You may also be able to take anti-inflammatory pain relievers such as ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen for relief.

So-called muscle relaxants are also very effective against back pain. These, however, require a prescription, as they have a relatively high risk of addiction after a short period of use. Therefore, it should be taken under medical supervision and only until you can start another treatment.

Avoid using narcotics (numbing agents) for back pain, especially if caused by a sedentary lifestyle. These drugs often lead to constipation and are usually very addictive.

In addition, they have numerous other unpleasant side effects. You should only take these medications under medical supervision and when you are in very severe pain.

There are some symptoms that you should definitely see a doctor for. The most important are the following:

  • If you have pulling pains that radiate into your legs,
  • if you feel numb or weak in the groin or legs,
  • if you no longer have control over your bladder or bowel,
  • if fever occurs or
  • if you have night pain or sweats.

You might have an injury, infection, or a serious condition such as cancer.


Very often, however, back pain also has mechanical causes. Most often they are caused by poor posture, repetition, or improper lifting. This back pain requires different treatment than those caused by a serious illness or injury. The latter must be treated by a doctor.

If you see a classically trained doctor for back pain with a mechanical cause, you will usually only get one treatment for your symptoms.

Painkillers are among the most commonly prescribed drugs, and steroid injections or even surgery are very common in these cases.

In addition to the fact that all of these treatments have many side effects, it is also a proven fact that none of these therapies will provide any real cure for your pain.

Only the symptoms, the pain, are combated. The causes of the pain, however, remain unchanged. As a result, there are far too many patients, some of whom have struggled with back pain for their entire life.

Fortunately, there are very effective natural healing methods that are invaluable if you want to do something about back pain yourself and want to get rid of it and avoid it permanently. Try one or more of the following 10 tips from back specialists.

1. Chiropractor

Chiropractors - for back pain

You can see a specially trained chiropractor. Chiropractic can provide relief for a wide variety of chronic pain and, of course, back pain as well.

2. Stretching for back pain

Patients who regularly attend stretching classes (duration per unit 52 minutes each), in which especially the trunk and legs were stretched, experienced the same pain-relieving effects as those who attended yoga classes. Obviously, stretching is just as effective for back pain as yoga.

3. Weight training

Strengthening exercises - against back pain

If you regularly incorporate strength training into your everyday life, it will help you to strengthen your back and core muscles. Having strong muscles is important to relieve pain and also helps prevent injuries.

4. Osteopathic Treatments

Osteopathic treatments, in which, for example, joints are moved or connective tissue is massaged, have been shown to help relax cramped muscles. As a result, these treatments are also very effective against back pain, especially chronic pain in the lumbar region.

5. Reduce and avoid stress

Stress - against back pain

People who constantly have negative thoughts and suffer from fears or even anxiety disorders also very often suffer from back pain. So try to avoid stress and too many cloudy thoughts as much as possible.

6. Meditation

Meditation is a very effective pain reliever (analgesic). Volunteers who had never meditated before took part in a 20 minute meditation class. And all of them have experienced a clear relief of their ailments through meditation .

7. Yoga

Yoga - against back pain

Yoga is particularly effective when you want to improve your flexibility and strengthen your core muscles. Because this has been shown to be very helpful if you suffer from back pain.

People who only attended a yoga class once a week experienced greater relief and faster pain relief than those who received medication or traditional physiotherapy.

8. Massage against back pain

Endorphins are released through a massage . These will help you relax and also relieve your pain. If you undergo massage therapy for 10 weeks, you will experience great relief in your back. This effect lasts up to six months after treatment.

9. Acupuncture

Acupuncture - against back pain

Acupuncture is another very effective treatment for back pain. This method works slowly, but very sustainably and is suitable for relieving chronic pain, such as back pain and headaches.

10. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a very old Chinese internal martial art. The goal is to balance the yin and yang in your body. This strengthens the flow of chi, the life energy.

Tai Chi is often referred to as ” moving meditation “. It consists of a specific sequence of gentle movements, with each movement flowing directly into the next.

If you have back pain, you shouldn’t focus on traditional treatment approaches for now. Many doctors will prescribe you very strong medication very quickly and explain that this is the only option you can use to relieve your back pain. Today we introduced you to 10 alternative methods that you should definitely try before resorting to medication. 

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