1 Avocado A Day To Lower Cholesterol

According to a study by the University of Pensilvania, the unsaturated fatty acids in avocados could help regulate LDL cholesterol levels and prevent arterial clogging

1 avocado daily to lower cholesterol

An elevated  cholesterol level  can trigger a wide variety of health problems and lead to cardiovascular diseases.

While cholesterol is very important as it supports various organ functions, if the cholesterol level rises excessively it is a great danger to health. In the beginning there are usually no specific symptoms, so this problem often goes undetected.

It is believed that millions of people suffer from high cholesterol levels without even realizing it.

In recent studies, however, it has been shown that a change in diet and healthy lifestyle habits are the best medicine for the prevention and treatment of high cholesterol levels.

A study by the Journal of the American Heart Association has also shown that the daily consumption of an avocado regulates LDL cholesterol in obesity and overweight.

About the Study: Avocado and Cholesterol Levels

Avocado for Cholesterol

In this study, scientists from the University of Pensilvania (USA) replaced saturated fatty acids, which are usually found in excess in the diet, with the unsaturated fatty acids in avocado.

This study also noted that the consumption of mono- and poly-saturated fatty acids has been recommended for a number of years to reduce cholesterol-related cardiovascular diseases.

Saturated fatty acids increase LDL cholesterol and thus the risk of hardening of the arteries and life-threatening diseases (such as heart attack or stroke).

Specifically, the effects of the avocado on cardiovascular risks were researched, taking into account that this fruit contains a very high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids.

For this purpose, the saturated fatty acids in the diet of 45 healthy overweight and obese patients between 21 and 70 years of age were replaced.

3 different diets were tested:

  • Low-fat diet without avocado.
  • Low-fat diet without avocado.
  • Low-fat diet with 1 avocado a day.

The results


The study was able to prove that the LDL values ​​decreased with the consumption of 1 avocado per day.

When taking 1 avocado, the value was reduced by 13.5 mg / dl, compared to the 8.3 mg / dl. With a semi-fat diet without avocado and the 7.4 mg / dl with a low-fat diet.

In addition, avocados have been shown to have a positive effect on total cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Study conclusions

The results of this study are astonishing, but the scientists indicate that further study is needed. This is to find out whether these results are also repeated in other population groups.

What is certain is that  the unsaturated fatty acids in avocados have a positive effect on heart health ; Of course, you should also pay attention to a healthy, nutritious diet.

Healthy fatty acids, micronutrients and bioactive substances have great benefits for the cardiovascular system.

One of the researchers on this study, Penny Kris Etherton, says she will continue researching this topic. To determine more precisely to what extent the various bioactive substances in the avocado affect our organism.

The avocado, a healthy food


Even if the avocado had a bad reputation for a long time because it was considered high in calories and very high in fat, we now know that this fruit is one of  the most nutritious  and healthiest foods  that can be consumed in reasonable quantities without hesitation.

In addition to the fatty acids mentioned, avocado contains fiber, vitamins E and B, folic acid and twice as much potassium as a banana.

So if you want to prevent disease, it is advisable to change your diet and eat an avocado daily. This is an easy way to regulate your cholesterol level.

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